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Overall prices of budget food in UK supermarkets soar 英国超市廉价食品价格总体上涨

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最新数据显示,英国超市售卖的意大利面、茶、薯条和食用油的价格飙升。其中,植物油的价格在一年内上涨了 65% 。英国国家统计局( The Office for National Statistics )表示,总体看来,截至 9 月份,超市售卖的廉价食品价格在这一年度上涨了 17%

Earlier this year, the ONS started to look at the most basic, cheapest food on the supermarket shelves.


The latest data shows vegetable oil and pasta have risen by almost two thirds in the last year.


Tea, chips, bread and biscuits also jumped by more than a third. Some items fell in price like orange juice and minced beef.


Overall, the ONS says the rise in this basket of budget items is broadly in line with its wider average of food prices. It's also released new details on people affected by the cost-of-living crisis.


Over the summer, it found that nearly half of adults were struggling to pay their energy bills. People with disabilities, people from ethnic minorities and those in rented accommodation were most affected.



have risen 上涨了
two thirds 三分之二
fell 下降,下跌
rise (名词)上涨,增加
budget items 廉价商品
in line with 与…处于同等水平
cost-of-living 生活费用的,生活成本的
energy bills 能源账单


1. True or false? The price of orange juice has risen by a third.

2. How much has vegetable oil risen in the last year in the UK?

3. What else has risen in price, according to ONS?

4. According to ONS, what were nearly half of adults in the country struggling to do over the summer?


1. True or false? The price of orange juice has risen by a third.
False. Orange juice fell in price.

2. How much has vegetable oil risen in the last year in the UK?
The latest data shows vegetable oil, along with pasta, has risen by almost two thirds in the last year.

3. What else has risen in price, according to ONS?
The price of tea, chips, bread and biscuits also jumped by more than a third.

4. According to ONS, what were nearly half of adults in the country struggling to do over the summer?
It found that nearly half of adults were struggling to pay their energy bills.




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