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The amount of carbon stored by UK forests underestimated 研究显示:英国森林碳储量被低估

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Professor Kim Calders from Ghent University is laser-scanning what's said to be the UK's most scientifically studied forest: Wytham Wood in Oxfordshire. For their research, he and his colleagues scanned nearly a thousand trees, producing detailed three-dimensional maps from which they could work out the weight of each one.


This revealed that an average patch of UK woodland is heavier than was estimated and therefore contains much more carbon – almost twice as much as previously thought. The scientists say their findings show the value of established, mature woodland for fighting climate change has been underestimated.



laser-scanning 激光扫描
scanned 扫描了
three-dimensional 三维的
patch 小块
carbon 碳
mature 成熟的
underestimated 被低估的


1. According to the report, what is significant about Wytham Wood in Oxfordshire, UK?

2. How did the researchers work out the weight of each tree?

3. What were researchers able to work out from the weight of the woodland?

4. True or false? This research concluded older woodland can help fight climate change more than was first thought.


1. According to the report, what is significant about Wytham Wood in Oxfordshire, UK?
Wytham Wood is said to be the UK's most scientifically studied forest.

2. How did the researchers work out the weight of each tree?
Researchers scanned nearly a thousand trees, producing detailed three-dimensional maps from which they could work out the weight of each one.

3. What were researchers able to work out from the weight of the woodland?
By calculating the weight of a patch of woodland, they could work out how much carbon it contains.

4. True or false? This research concluded older woodland can help fight climate change more than was first thought.
True. The scientists say their findings show the value of established, mature woodland for fighting climate change has been underestimated.




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