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Unesco world heritage status: Seven sites win UK backing 英政府批准七处景点申报联合国教科文组织世界遗产

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英国及其海外领地的七处景点正在申报 “联合国教科文组织世界遗产” 的称号。

In total, there are more than 1,100 World Heritage sites across the globe, including the pyramids and the Great Barrier Reef.


The Government has now submitted seven candidates to join this list, including the Zenith of Iron Age Shetland, a collection of three ancient settlements that date back thousands of years, and the Flow Country, a large area of peatland in the north of Scotland.


If successful, they will join 33 other UK-based heritage sites, including Stonehenge and Hadrian's Wall and receive legal protection and preservation funding.


The submissions form part of a tentative list published around every ten years by the UK Government and also sees applications for a bird migratory route, which includes part of the north and east of England known as the east Atlantic flyway, the Gracehill Moravian Church settlement in Northern Ireland, and marine parks in the British overseas territory of the Cayman Islands.

这个候选名单是英国政府约每十年发布的一份预备名单的一部分,此名单中还包括英格兰北部和东部被称作 “东大西洋迁飞路径” 的候鸟迁徙路线、北爱尔兰格雷斯希尔莫拉维亚教堂定居点和英国海外领地开曼群岛的海洋公园等景点。


World Heritage 世界遗产
candidates 候选
settlements 定居地
peatland 泥炭地
preservation 保护,维护
tentative list 预备名单,暂定名单
migratory 迁徙的
flyway 迁飞路径


1. How many World Heritage sites are there across the globe?

2. True or False? There are currently 33 World Heritage sites based in the UK.

3. What is the Flow Country, and where is it?

4. How often does the UK Government publish the tentative list to run for the World Heritage Status?


1. How many World Heritage sites are there across the globe?

There are more than 1,100 World Heritage sites across the globe.

2. True or False? There are currently 33 World Heritage sites based in the UK.

True. There are 33 UK-based heritage sites, including Stonehenge and Hadrian's Wall.

3. What is the Flow Country, and where is it?

The Flow Country is a large area of peatland in the north of Scotland.

4. How often does the UK Government publish the tentative list to run for the World Heritage Status?

The UK Government publishes the tentative list around every ten years.




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