中国日报网 2023-05-31 13:58


The three astronauts aboard China's Shenzhou-16 spaceship entered the country's space station and met with another astronaut trio on Tuesday, starting a new round of in-orbit crew handover.
The Shenzhou-15 crew opened the hatch at 6:22 p.m. (Beijing Time). The three space station occupants greeted the new arrivals, and they took group pictures.
北京时间5月30日18时22分,神舟十五号航天员乘组顺利打开“家门”, 欢迎远道而来的神舟十六号航天员乘组入驻。随后,两个航天员乘组拍下“全家福”。
The space get-together kicked off the second in-orbit crew rotation in China's space station.
According to the China Manned Space Agency, the six astronauts will live and work together for about five days to complete planned tasks and handover work.
神舟十六号载人飞船 Shenzhou-16 manned spaceship
出舱活动 extravehicular activities
天宫空间站 Tiangong space station
星际探测 interplanetary exploration
梦天实验舱 Mengtian space lab module
(来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)