一课译词:"高考迷信" Today Phrase: gaokao superstitions
中国日报网 2023-06-07 17:15

每逢高考(college entrance examination, also known as gaokao)季,各种各样的“高考迷信”便流传开来,为讨个好彩头,考生家长各出“奇”招。
“高考迷信(gaokao superstitions)”,指为了在高考中取得好成绩而采取的“迷信”行为。
Let’s take a look at some of the unique, colorful gaokao superstitions that dominated this year’s gaokao season, popularized by parents who would do anything for luck.
高考季不少服装店紫色内裤大卖,与网上流行的“高考穿衣指南(national college entrance examination dressing guide)”有关:
穿紫色内裤,孩子高考“紫腚能行(purple bottom ensures your success)”。“紫腚能行”是“指定能行”的谐音,表示“one will surely accomplish his goal”。

妈妈穿旗袍寓意“旗开得胜(succeed at the first try)”,爸爸穿马褂寓意“马到成功(gain an immediate victory)”,都是为了给参加考试的孩子讨个好彩头。
向日葵也成为了高考幸运花,因为“葵(sunflower)”与“魁(head)”同音。不少考生家长在考场外手举向日葵等候,希望自己的孩子“一举夺魁(best the test in one fell swoop)”。

Editor: Jade