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World's largest body-scanning project to understand why diseases occur 世界规模最大人体扫描项目帮助了解疾病成因



World's largest body-scanning project to understand why diseases occur 世界规模最大人体扫描项目帮助了解疾病成因


Fergus Walsh, BBC Medical Editor, UK Biobank volunteer
Mapping the ageing human body. It's nearly a decade since I last had these images of my brain, heart and other organs taken. Now, over five hours in multiple different scanners, it's all being repeated. Why?

弗格斯·沃尔什       BBC医疗事务报道员     英国生物样本库志愿者

Fergus Walsh, BBC Medical Editor, UK Biobank volunteer
"The repeat imaging of thousands of volunteers will enable researchers to see subtle changes in the body that develop over the years. These may give early warning of conditions like heart disease and dementia long before there are any symptoms."

弗格斯·沃尔什       BBC医疗事务报道员      英国生物样本库志愿者

The entire genetic code of every UK Biobank volunteer has been sequenced, so scientists can analyse DNA alongside images of the brain and body.


Professor Naomi Allen, Chief Scientist, UK Biobank
"Well, I think our real interest is being able to look at changes in the structure and function of the brain over time as that may give us ideas as to what are the determinants of early cognitive impairment and early biomarkers of dementia, so I think that is one of the most exciting aspects of this study."

娜奥米·艾伦教授       英国生物样本库       首席科学家

All five hundred thousand volunteers had baseline health, lifestyle and cognitive assessments when they joined over a decade ago. Repeat testing helps scientists track any decline. To date, over seven thousand research papers have been published using the data.


Professor Paul Elliott, Epidemiologist, Imperial College London
"UK Biobank is the gold standard internationally for this type of study. It brings together blood samples, scans, a linkage through the NHS (UK's National Health Service) to people's health records with their consent. So it gives an extraordinarily deep understanding of the causes of disease, which then can lead to better prevention and also treatments."

保罗·艾略特教授       伦敦帝国理工学院     流行病学家

With every year that passes and volunteers like me get older, UK Biobank will yield ever more information on how to combat the diseases of ageing.




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