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Hundreds of children are catching the 'bike bus' to school “自行车大巴” —— 护送儿童列队骑行上学的新方式




Hundreds of children are catching the 'bike bus' to school “自行车大巴” —— 护送儿童列队骑行上学的新方式


Every Friday in Glasgow, Scotland, these kids go to school on a 'bike bus'.

在苏格兰格拉斯哥,这些孩子们每周五乘 “自行车大巴” 去上学。   

Jo Wright, Shawlands Bike Bus
"We have a set route, we go at a set time, and there are stops on the way. So that's why we're like a bus."

乔·赖特       格拉斯哥肖兰兹区 “自行车大巴” 发起者 

Jo Wright, Shawlands Bike Bus
"We started really small. We were just five families. And now we average about 50 to 60 of us."

乔·赖特       格拉斯哥肖兰兹区 “自行车大巴” 发起者 

Jo Wright, Shawlands Bike Bus                                                                          
"The way that it's brought community and joy and the way we've been able to talk about the space that our kids need in our cities to just ride their bikes or do what they want to do, has surpassed any of my expectations.

乔·赖特       格拉斯哥肖兰兹区 “自行车大巴” 发起者 

"I love the 'bike bus' because I can chat with my friends, and it's a fun way to get to school."

“我很喜欢 ‘自行车大巴’,因为我可以和朋友聊天,而且这样去上学很有意思。”

"It's good for your body, and it's also good for the environment."


"When I get to school, I don't get sleepy any more."


Polly, Mum of Beatrix
"The first time I went on the 'bike bus', I was a bit nervous. I thought, there's[re] a lot of children here. Some of them are really small, surely, people are just going to be crashing into each other. This is a bit terrifying. But actually, all the kids know they just have to keep a bit of space around them. The grown-ups are between the kids and the traffic. And actually, it's fine."

波莉       碧雅翠丝的母亲
“当我第一次参与 ‘自行车大巴’ 的时候,我有点紧张。我想:这里有好多孩子,有的个头特别小,肯定会有人和人挤撞在一起的情况。这有点吓人。然而实际上,所有的孩子都知道必须要在自己周围留出一些空间。大人隔在了孩子和车流之间。所以实际上这种出行方式挺好的。”

'Bike buses' became popular in the Spanish town of Vic in 2021, and since then they've been spreading across the world.

2021年,“自行车大巴” 在西班牙的维克镇开始流行起来,自此之后,这种出行方式扩展到了世界各地。

But only in Glasgow do they have a special gadget which lets them control the traffic lights.


Jo Wright, Shawlands Bike Bus
"When I press this button, it holds a green light. Instead of having ten seconds, we then have 45 seconds to move the 'bike bus' through the junction safely. "

乔·赖特 格拉斯哥肖兰兹区 “自行车大巴” 发起者
“我一按下这个按钮,它就会让绿灯时间延长。不像以往的10秒钟时间,我们有45秒的时间带领 ‘自行车大巴’ 安全通过路口。”

But the 'bike bus' isn't just a fun way of getting to school.

但 “自行车大巴” 不仅是快快乐乐去学校的方式。

Jo Wright, Shawlands Bike Bus
"It shouldn't be this hard for a kid to cycle to school. Every week it's like a gentle protest. Every week we take up that space, and we're on the roads with our kids in a way that's joyous, but it's also about doing something that's not typical. And I think all of us love the 'bike bus' but we'd also love it not to have to exist. "

乔·赖特       格拉斯哥肖兰兹区 “自行车大巴” 发起者
“小孩子骑自行车去上学不应该这么困难。所以我们想通过每周一次的骑车上学活动让大家重视这个问题。每周我们带着孩子一起上路,这是种愉快的体验,也是一种让孩子安全到校的独特方式。虽然我们所有人都很喜欢 ‘自行车大巴’,但要是不必以这种方式来护送孩子出行,那就更好了。” 



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