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Spacecraft to map UK's heat inefficient buildings 英国发射能绘制建筑物热量特征图的航天器

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The relatively small spacecraft is called, appropriately, HotSat, and it'll act like a thermometer in the sky. Its infrared sensor, developed with funds from the UK and European space agencies, will see thermal variations across the surface of the Earth at the scale of individual houses.

这个航天器体积相对较小,人们给它起了一个恰当的名称 ——  “热卫星(HotSat)”,其作用就像一个天空中的温度计。这个航天器的红外传感器是在英国航天局和欧洲航天局的资助下开发的,它将观测地球表面的热变化,能分辨出单个房屋的情况。

Satellite View, the London-based company that will operate HotSat, says its data will be sold to local authorities, agencies and charities to help them identify which properties are in most urgent need of retrofitting.

“热卫星(HotSat)” 将由位于伦敦的公司 “Satellite View” 操控,该公司表示,卫星收集到的数据将出售给地方政府、相关机构以及慈善组织,以帮助他们确定哪些房屋最急需进行升级改造。

The UK has some of the most heat-inefficient housing stock in Europe, and if a substantial portion of these dwellings can be upgraded with better insulation, it could make a significant contribution to the country's quest for climate neutrality by 2050.



thermometer 温度计
infrared sensor 红外感应器
thermal 热的,热量的
retrofitting 升级改造,改旧翻新
heat-inefficient 隔热效能差的
stock 现有量
dwellings 住宅,住所
insulation 隔热材料
quest 追求


1. What will the infrared sensor on this new satellite be able to do?

2. How could data gathered from the satellite help local authorities, agencies and charities? 

3. What could help the heat efficiency of some of the houses in the UK? 

4. By which year does the UK aim to be climate neutral, according to the text?


1. What will the infrared sensor on this new satellite be able to do?

The infrared sensor will see thermal variations across individual houses.

2. How could data gathered from the satellite help local authorities, agencies and charities?

The data will help local authorities, agencies and charities identify which properties are in most urgent need of retrofitting.

3. What could help the heat efficiency of some of the houses in the UK?

Upgrading homes with better insulation will help improve their heat efficiency. 

4. By which year does the UK aim to be climate neutral, according to the text?

The UK aims for climate neutrality by 2050.




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