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Why do people wear red underwear in the New Year? 新年为什么穿红色的衣服?

beijing-kids.com 2024-01-02 17:25


If you think the reason people in China wear red underwear is to find love like people in Mexico and other Latin American countries do, you are wrong. There's nothing romantic about it. Instead, people who need to wear it, believe they are likely to face more challenges or troubles than usual in their zodiac year (本命年, běn mìng nián), and that they need to wear red to ward off bad luck (驱邪避灾, qū xié bì zāi ) every single day of the New Year. Sounds confusing? Here are some stories and explanations behind it.


What and when is Zodiac Year of Birth (本命年 Běn mìng nián)?


There are 12 animals (rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig) in the Chinese zodiac, and each year welcomes a new animal. People are born under one sign and will run into their Zodiac Year of Birth (本命年 Běn mìng nián) every 12 years, which is on their 12th, 24th, 36th 48th, 60th, 72nd, 84th, 96th birthday etc.


Every year is considered to be managed by a God of Age (太岁 Tài suì); if you were born under the same sign as the Tàisuì of that year, you are more likely to have the Evil Spirit (凶星 Xiōng xīng) get you in trouble.


How to ward off bad luck in your Běn mìng Nián?


Wear red (穿红色衣服, chuān hónɡ sè yī fu)


The most common and popular way is to wear red underwear (红内衣 hónɡ nèi yī). Other than that, a red waist belt (红腰带,hónɡ yāo dài), red bracelet (红手镯, hónɡ shǒu zhuó), or any other red clothing is supposed to help. But all this red stuff must be purchased by other people; otherwise the effect is believed to be greatly reduced.


Wear jade, crystal, or gold accessories (戴玉、水晶或黄金饰品, dài yù、shuǐ jīng huò huáng jīn shì pǐn)


Jade, crystal, and gold are said to have enough spiritual power to drive away the evil spirit in Chinese culture. That's why you can see a lot of people, especially old people, wearing these kinds of accessories in China.


Worship the God of Age (拜太岁, bài tài suì)


As each year is controlled by a God of Age (太岁 Tài suì), people also choose to go to temples to worship the God of Age and make a wish every year.


What's special about red in Chinese culture?


In Yijing (《易经》, Classic of Changes, yì jīng), one of the Five Classics of Confucianism, red is associated with the "division" trigram of the "Bagua" (八卦, Eight Diagrams, bā guà), which also represents "light". According to the theory of Yin and Yang (阴阳论, yīn yáng lùn), red is Yang, which can kill the darkness and evil spirits. Wearing red is a simple way to avoid the bad luck (厄运, è yùn) that considered to be Yin.


In addition, red is a color which means life and hope in Chinese culture. People choose to wear red for good luck for the new year.


Source: beijing-kids.com
Editor: wanwan

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