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如何用中文点牛排 A complete guide to ordering steak in Chinese

The Beijinger 2024-01-09 13:54


We here at the Beijinger love to sink our teeth into a juicy steak cooked just the way we like it. However, sometimes getting it cooked the way you like it or finding the right cut to cook at home is easier said than done here in China. So we've put together a complete guide for ordering steak (牛排 niú pái) in Chinese to make it super simple!


Ordering doneness


When ordering a steak in China, your server will normally ask "你要几分熟 nǐ yào jǐ fēn shú" which means "how would you like it cooked?" To reply you use the word 熟 shú*, which literally means "cooked", preceded by how many minutes (分 fēn) you want it cooked for. You can see how the number of minutes correspond to English doneness below:


Rare: 一分熟 yī fēn shú
Medium rare: 三分熟 sān fēn shú
Medium: 五分熟 wǔ fēn shú
Medium well: 七分熟 : qī fēn shú
Well done: 全熟 quán shú


* can also be pronounced as shóu


Different types of beef


Here are some of the most common types of beef you'll see here in Beijing:


Angus beef: 安格斯牛 Ān gé sī niú
Wagyu beef: 和牛 Hé niú
US beef: 美国牛肉 Měi guó niú ròu
Argentinian beef: 阿根廷牛肉 Ā gēn tíng niú ròu
Australian beef: 澳洲牛肉 Ào zhōu niú ròu
Grain-fed: 谷饲 gǔ sì
Dry aged: 干式熟成 gān shì shú chéng
Wet Aged: 湿式熟成 shī shì shú chéng


Different cuts of steak


Knowing different cuts of steak in Chinese is particularly useful if you're planning on making yourself a nice steak at home and need help finding the right cut on waimai or your local shop.


Filet: 菲力牛排 fēi lì niú pái
Rib eye: 肋眼牛排 lèi yǎn niú pái
Sirloin: 西冷牛排 xī lěng niú pái/牛脊肉 niú jǐ ròu
T-Bone: T骨牛排 T gǔ niú pái
New York Strip: 纽约西冷牛排 Niǔ yuē xī lěng niú pái
Tomahawk: 战斧牛排 zhàn fǔ niú pái
Bone-in: 带骨牛排 dài gǔ niú pái
Short rib: 牛小排 niú xiǎo pái
Tenderloin: 牛里脊 niú lǐ jǐ/牛柳 niú liǔ
Porterhouse: 上等牛排 shàng děng niú pái
Flank: 扇面牛腩 shàn miàn niú nǎn
Rump: 臀尖 tún jiān
Shoulder: 牛肩 niú jiān
Brisket: 胸腩 xiōng nǎn
Shank: 牛腱子 niú jiàn zi




Lastly, here are some of the most common sauces usually offered to pair with your steak.


Mushroom sauce: 蘑菇汁 mó gu zhī
Black pepper sauce: 黑胡椒汁 hēi hú jiāo zhī
Mustard sauce: 芥末汁 jiè mo zhī
Béarnaise sauce: 法式伯那西酱 fǎ shì bó nà xī jiàng


来源:The Beijinger

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