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表现焦虑 Performance anxiety

The World of Chinese 2024-01-28 09:00


Get through the ordeal of work evaluations with this handy language lesson


In Chinese companies, the annual evaluation is like a report card that the employees make for themselves. Writing one involves careful curating: You need to make all your contributions clear, but must not brag; acknowledge problems, without complaining too much; you may appraise the rest of the team, but not simply criticize your co-workers.


There's a subtle art to writing these professional summaries. Certain cultural and literary techniques should be deployed if one is to receive the coveted bonus that hopefully makes up for all the late nights and long commutes—and interminable written reports.


Purple prose


Tough talk may work wonders on the factory floor, but when it comes to sucking up to one's superiors, a soft, slightly sentimental opening goes over better with Chinese employers than a forthright introduction. A focus on tempus fugit is a classic way to go:


Time flies like an arrow; 2018 draws to a frenetic close. Looking back on the year, I am full of emotion.
Guāng yīn sì jiàn, èr líng yī bā nián jiù zhè yàng zài máng lù zhōng jiē jìn wěi shēng. Huí gù guò qù de yī nián, wǒ gǎn kǎi liáng duō.


Positive thinking


It's probably best to begin by listing one's achievements—and be sure to leave nothing out, no matter how small! Wise employees must assume their manager or employer will never remember anything they have accomplished (but will certainly remember every screw-up). With this in mind, it's never redundant to remind people of your contributions in a performance evaluation. However, outright boasting and credit-hogging are frowned upon in a Confucian culture of modesty, so it's always safe to begin by sharing the praise around:


In this past year, due to all my colleagues' touching concern and selfless assistance, I successfully completed my work.
Yī nián lái, zài tóng shì men de xī xīn guān huái hé wú sī bāng zhù xià, wǒ shùn lì wán chéng le zì jǐ de gōng zuò.


This year, owing to the sincere cooperation of all our team members, every project has gone smoothly.
Guò qù yī nián zhōng, wǒ men tuán duì de suǒ yǒu chéng yuán jīng chéng hé zuò, gè xiàng gōng zuò jìn zhǎn shùn lì.


Now, it's safe to transition to your own achievements. If you have done a terrific job over the past year, feel free to use some particularly bold words—and make sure that when you show off, you are only casting yourself in your company's reflected glory:


This year, we made historic breakthroughs in technological research.
Jīn nián, wǒ men zài jì shù yán fā shang qǔ de le lì shǐ xìng tū pò.


The release of this new product was a milestone in the development of our company.
Zhè yī xīn chǎn pǐn de fā bù shì wǒ men gōng sī fā zhǎn dào lù shang yī zuò xīn de lǐ chéng bēi.


Statistically speaking


When bragging about results, numbers are always helpful. One trick to make yours seem impressive is to compare them to previous years' (especially if they were before your time):


Our turnover increased by 30 percent compared with the previous year.
Wǒ men jīn nián de yíng yè é bǐ qù nián zēng zhǎng le bǎi fēn zhī sān shí.


As of this year, we have opened 24 stores across the country, four times as many as last year.
Wǒ men zài quán guó kāi shè de mén diàn yǐ jīng dá dào èr shí sì jiā, shì qù nián de sì bèi.


What if you didn't do anything of particular note? Don't worry, simply position your lackluster achievements in vague terms:


This year, the overseas sales of our products saw a sharp increase compared with last year, and performance in the domestic market met our expectations.
Zhè yī nián, wǒ men chǎn pǐn de hǎi wài xiāo liàng xiǎn zhù zēng zhǎng, guó nèi shì chǎng biǎo xiàn fú hé yù qī.


Or emphasize something that can't be measured:


This year, our advertising strategy was effective, and built a positive brand image for the company.
Běn nián dù, wǒ men de guǎng gào zhàn lüè zhuó yǒu chéng xiào, wèi gōng sī shù lì le liáng hǎo de pǐn pái xíng xiàng.
本年度, 我们的广告战略卓有成效,为公司树立了良好的品牌形象。


Empty talk


If there were, in fact, no real quantifiable successes to report, focus less on the outcome, and instead, stress that it is the thought that counts:


This year, we set forth into the realm of e-commerce for the first time. This was a new experiment for our sales models.
Jīn nián, wǒ men shǒu cì shè zú diàn shāng lǐng yù, zhè shì wǒ men zài xiāo shòu mó shì shang yī cì xīn de cháng shì.
今年,我们首次涉足电商领域, 这是我们在销售模式上一次新的尝试。


And even if the groundbreaking experiment hasn't panned out so far, it's surely just a matter of time. Everyone is very busy, and focused on the future:


We are currently in negotiation with the vendors. A new cooperative strategy will be agreed upon shortly and will help reduce our overhead.
Wǒ men yǔ gōng yìng shāng de tán pàn zhèng zài jìn xíng zhōng, hěn kuài huì xíng chéng xīn de hé zuò fāng àn, kě yǐ bāng zhù wǒ men jiàng dī chéng běn.
我们与供应商的谈判正在进行中,很快会形成新的合作方案, 可以帮助我们降低成本。


The team works


If you are a team leader, it's also your responsibility to report on the condition of your whole team. You can focus on the collective contributions:

Though our R&D team was established less than six months ago, they have already overcome the chief technical difficulties of this project.
Wǒ men de yán fā xiǎo zǔ chéng lì hái bù dào bàn nián, jiù yǐ jīng gōng kè le zhè ge xiàng mù de zhǔ yào jì shù nán diǎn.


Or the achievements of individual workers:


Our team member, Zhang, became the No.1 sales representative of the entire company.
Wǒ men tuán duì de Xiǎo Zhāng chéng wéi quán gōng sī de xiāo shòu guàn jūn.


But if you're a new employee, it may not be appropriate for you to report on others' work. So, just discuss personal growth:


Though it was my first year with the company, I was lucky enough to be involved in three projects. From these experiences, I have become capable of completing new projects independently.
Suī rán wǒ jīn nián cái jiā rù gōng sī, dàn què yǒu xìng cān yǔ le sān gè xiàng mù. Tōng guò jīng yàn de lěi jī, wǒ xiàn zài yǐ jīng kě yǐ dú lì yùn yíng xīn xiàng mù le.


Acknowledge errors (but not too much)


Work is not just about progress and achievements. Frustrations are inevitable, and, while it's never easy to face failures, you need to at least acknowledge them. But an evaluation is not an apology, and problems should be analyzed for root causes. This will make you look more responsible:


Influenced by the China-US trade war, the price of our raw material imports has increased dramatically, meaning that this year's profits failed to meet expectations.
Shòu Zhōng-Měi mào yì zhàn de yǐng xiǎng, wǒ men de jìn kǒu yuán cái liào jià gé dà fú shàng zhǎng, dǎo zhì běn nián dù yíng lì méi yǒu dá dào yù qī mù biāo.


Then, to show you're still in control, offer solutions:


In the future, we will look for new suppliers domestically and control the cost of production.
Wèi lái, wǒ men huì zài guó nèi xún zhǎo xīn de gōng yìng shāng, kòng zhì shēng chǎn chéng běn.


Like all good writing, you should always finish up before things drag on too long. The conclusion should cover three bases: looking forward to the future, setting new goals, and expressing resolve.


The upcoming year will bring us many more opportunities, as well as more challenges. The team will work harder to produce more high-quality results.
Xīn de yī nián, wǒ men jiāng huì yíng lái gèng duō jī yù, tóng shí yě jiāng zāo yù gèng duō tiǎo zhàn. Wǒ men tuán duì jiāng huì gèng jiā nǔ lì, lì qiú qǔ dé gèng hǎo de chéng jì.


And, of course, here is an all-purpose sentence that can never go wrong, whether this was a year when you made a breakthrough or your entire team quit in protest:


We gained valuable experience in the process of completing this task.
Wǒ men zài zhè ge guò chéng zhōng shōu huò le bǎo guì de jīng yàn.


来源:The World of Chinese

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