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单词 capacity 怎么用?


“Capacity” 是一个名词,可以指 “事物的容量、产量”;它还可以指 “人的办事能力”。常用搭配包括 “at capacity” 和 “reach capacity”。看视频,跟随主持人 Beth 的讲解学习 “capacity” 的用法。


1. “Capacity” 作名词可以指 “生产量,生产能力” 或 “容积,容量”。

The farm is working at full capacity. It can't produce any more milk.

The export capacity of the country has increased in recent years.

2. “Capacity” 作名词还可以指 “某人的办事能力”。

You can get the promotion. The skills needed are not beyond your capacity.

You have to work within the capacity of your abilities.

3. 搭配 “at capacity” 的意思是 “满负荷,满员”。

There are no tickets left. The stadium is at capacity.

The parking lot was at capacity, so I had to park on the street.

4. 搭配 “reach capacity” 的意思是 “物体或场所达到最大承载量”。

The restaurant reaches capacity at 50 people.

This class has reached capacity. I'll add you to the waiting list.

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