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10种省钱且环保的产品 10 products to save your money and our planet

chinadaily.com.cn 2024-06-07 17:30


Protecting the environment is not a new concept, but have you ever taken actions that are beneficial to our planet? With World Environment Day (世界环境日, shì jiè huán jìng rì) annually observed on June 5, the editor has recommended 10 environmentally friendly products (环保产品, huán bǎo chǎn pǐn) that can help you protect the Earth in your daily life, effortlessly. Using these products is not only a way to contribute to the planet but also a means to save money in the long run.

Tea seed powder (茶籽粉, chá zǐ fěn)

Tea seed powder (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Tea seed powder is a pure natural detergent (纯天然洗涤剂, chún tiān rán xǐ dí jì) that does not contribute to water pollution. It is derived from the seeds of oil tea trees (油茶树籽, yóu chá shù zǐ). After extracting edible tea oil (食用茶油, shí yòng chá yóu) from the seeds, the remaining pomace is ground into powder.

Rich in natural tea saponin (天然茶皂素, tiān rán chá zào sù), tea seed powder effectively removes oil stains, dirt, and residual pesticides (油污,污垢和残留农药, yóu wū,wū gòu hé cán liú nóng yào) on fruits and vegetables. It is gentle on the hands and easy to rinse, making it an eco-friendly cleaning option.

Soapnut (Aritha) powder (皂角粉, zào jiǎo fěn)

Soapnut (Aritha) powder (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Also known as soapnut powder, aritha powder is sourced from the fruit of the Soapnut tree. The fruit pulp contains saponins that act as natural foaming agents. This powder is suitable for washing delicate fabrics, as well as sensitive skin and hair.

Luffa sponge (丝瓜瓤, sī guā ráng)

Luffa sponge (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Originating from the luffa plant, this sponge is versatile for cleaning dishes (清洁餐具, qīng jié cān jù) and the body. Its fibrous texture provides gentle exfoliation (去角质, qù jiǎo zhì) without causing irritation, making it a sustainable and eco-friendly choice.

Agave sponge (植物纤维浴球, zhí wù xiān wéi yù qiú)

Agave sponge (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Made from the fibers of agave plants, these sponges are natural and safe for both you and the environment. Agave plants are fast-growing and sustainably harvested without the use of chemicals.

Corn floss/Silk floss (玉米牙线/丝线, yù mǐ yá xiàn/sī xiàn)

Corn floss/Silk floss (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Traditional plastic floss (传统的塑料牙线, chuán tǒng de sù liào yá xiàn) contributes to environmental pollution (环境污染, huán jìng wū rǎn). Corn-based dental floss or silk floss provides eco-friendly alternatives (环保替代品, huán bǎo tì dài pǐn) for oral hygiene (口腔卫生, kǒu qiāng wèi shēng).

Plant-based plastic bags (植物塑料袋, zhí wù sù liào dài)

Plant-based plastic bags (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Disposable plastic bags (一次性塑料袋, yī cì xìng sù liào dài) have severe environmental impacts, with much of it ending up in the oceans. Using plastic bags made from corn or other natural plants can significantly reduce pollution.

Biodegradable paper tape (可生物降解纸胶带, kě shēng wù jiàng jiě zhǐ jiāo dài)

Biodegradable paper tape (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

With the rise of online shopping (网上购物, wǎng shàng gòu wù), parcels (包裹, bāo guǒ) are secured with plastic tape (塑料胶带, sù liào jiāo dài). Biodegradable paper tape offers an eco-friendly alternative for packaging needs.

Beeswax food wrap (蜂蜡食品包装, fēng là shí pǐn bāo zhuāng)

Beeswax food wrap (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Beeswax food wraps are a healthier and more sustainable option than plastic for storing food. They keep food fresh, are biodegradable (可生物降解, kě shēng wù jiàng jiě) and can be reused multiple times (多次重复使用, duō cì chóng fù shǐ yòng).

Silicone bags (硅胶盒, guī jiāo hé)

Silicone bags (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Silicone bags provide a reusable and eco-friendly way to store food, reducing plastic waste and your carbon footprint (碳足迹, tàn zú jì) in the long term.

Bamboo toothbrush (竹牙刷, zhú yá shuā)

Bamboo toothbrush (right) [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Switching to a bamboo toothbrush is an environmentally conscious choice that helps reduce plastic pollution and waste (减少塑料污染和浪费, jiǎn shǎo sù liào wū rǎn hé làng fèi) in our oceans.


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