美媒:美国商业地产危机四伏 或致新一轮银行破产潮 Pimco Warns of More US Regional Bank Failures on Property Pain
中国日报网 2024-06-13 17:38

据美国彭博新闻社和商业内幕网综合报道,全球债券巨头品浩(Pimco)最新预计,美国不良商业房地产贷款的“高度”集中将导致另一轮银行破产潮。迫在眉睫的美国商业房地产贷款危机让分析师和市场观察人士忧心忡忡,预计到明年年底将有2.1 万亿美元的债务到期。

Pacific Investment Management Co. expects more regional bank failures in the US because of a “very high” concentration of troubled commercial real estate loans on their books.
“The real wave of distress is just starting” for lenders to everything from malls to offices, John Murray, Pimco’s head of global private commercial real estate team, said in an interview.
Uncertainty over when the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates has exacerbated challenges faced by the CRE sector, where high borrowing costs have hammered valuations and triggered defaults, leaving lenders stuck with assets that are tough to sell.
“The combination of rising rates plus recessionary pressures creates real challenges for commercial real estate, from both a capital markets and fundamentals perspective,” Murray said.
Things are not looking up for the US office sector, with loan performance set to slump even further in 2025, Fitch Ratings said. After the market significantly underperformed Fitch's year-to-date expectations in May, the rating agency has revised its office delinquency forecast to 8.4% and 11% through this and next year. That's up from projections of 8.1% and 9.9%, respectively.
据商业内幕网近日报道,惠誉评级表示,美国写字楼市场前景不容乐观,2025 年贷款表现将进一步下滑。在 5 月份市场表现明显低于惠誉对今年迄今业绩的预期后,该评级机构已将今年和明年的写字楼贷款拖欠率预测分别上调至 8.4% 和 11%。这一数字高于此前预测的 8.1% 和 9.9%。
Driving the fallout are still-elevated interest rates, cooling economic growth, and a stricter lending environment, Fitch wrote on Friday. That's all happening against a broad decline in office demand, as hybrid or fully remote work has become an entrenched norm.
"The recovery of the office sector will be slower and more drawn out during this cycle than following the global financial crisis and will lead to permanent impairments in property values, weaker performance, and higher loan losses," Fitch wrote.
A looming commercial real estate loan crash has been a persistent worry among analysts and market observers, with $2.1 trillion in debt expected to mature by the end of next year.
分析师和市场观察人士对迫在眉睫的美国商业房地产贷款崩盘一直感到担忧,预计到明年年底将有2.1 万亿美元的债务到期。
审校:陈丹妮 韩鹤
英文来源:Bloomberg, Business Insider