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Earliest and most distant galaxy ever observed 迄今为止观测到的最早、最遥远的星系

詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜打破了自己的记录:人们用它观测到了已知最遥远的星系。这个星系被称为 JADES-GS-z14-0,科学家们观测到了它仅处于 “大爆炸” 之后 2.9 亿年时的形态。

It's just a faint red smudge, but the detectors on the James Webb Telescope are in no doubt that this galaxy, a large collection of stars, is at a prodigious distance.


Astronomers say the observatory is seeing the object when the Universe was less than 300 million years old. Put another way, if the cosmos is 13.8 billion years old, James Webb is seeing the galaxy when the Universe was only 2% of its current age.

天文学家们表示,现在通过天文观测台观测到的这个天体的形态不会晚于宇宙诞生后 3 亿年。换句话说,如果宇宙的年龄是 138 亿岁,詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜看到的是宇宙只有当前年龄的 2% 时该星系的模样。

The most interesting aspect of the discovery is not the great distance, however, it's the galaxy's large size and brightness.


Researchers are struggling to explain the presence of so mature an object, so early in the nascent universe.


When space agencies spent 10 billion dollars developing James Webb, they promised it would do remarkable things. Two years into operations, that enormous investment is starting to pay back.

当航天机构花费掉 100 亿美元开发詹姆斯·韦伯望远镜时,他们承诺它会有非凡的表现。望远镜投入使用两年以后,这项巨额投资开始获得回报。


smudge 模糊的印迹、污痕
detectors 探测器
prodigious 异常的,不寻常的
observatory 天文观测台
the cosmos 宇宙
nascent 新生的,刚开始发展的
remarkable 非凡的,引人注目的
operations 运行,工作


1. What does the galaxy detected look like?

2. True or False? The most interesting part of the discovery is how far away the galaxy is.

3. How old was the Universe as we're observing the galaxy through the telescope?

4. How much did space agencies spend developing James Webb?


1. What does the galaxy detected look like?

The galaxy looks like a faint red smudge. 

2. True or False? The most interesting part of the discovery is how far away the galaxy is.

False. The most interesting aspect of the discovery is not the great distance, however, it's the galaxy's large size and brightness.

3. How old was the Universe as we're observing the galaxy through the telescope?

James Webb is seeing the galaxy when the Universe was less than 300 million years old, which makes it 2% of its current age, if the cosmos is 13.8 billion years old.

4. How much did space agencies spend developing James Webb? 

Space agencies spent ten billion dollars developing James Webb.

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