文化面面观 The Coen Brothers
考考你 一展身手
Carla: What's in the satchel?
Llewellyn: It's full of money.
Carla: That'll be the day. Where'd you get the pistol?
Llewellyn: At the gettin' place.
Carla: Did you buy that gun?
Llewellyn: No. I found it.
Carla: Llewellyn!
Llewellyn: What? Quit your hollering.
Carla: What'd you give for that thing?
Llewellyn: You don't need to know everything, Carla Jean.
Carla: I need to know that.
Llewellyn: Running that mouth of yours I'm gonna take you in the back and screw you.
Carla: Big talk.
Llewellyn: Keep it up.
Carla: Fine. I don't wanna know. I don't even wanna know where you been all day.
Llewellyn: That'll work.
1. That'll be the day
这个片语的意思是“That will never happen, that's very unlikely那不可能”,例如:You think I'll win the lottery? That'll be the day! 你以为我会中奖?那不可能!
这个片语本来是 that will be the day worth waiting for,后来简化为 that’ll be the day。
2. quit
这个词可以用来表示“停止或中断”,比如:The teacher asked them to quit talking. 老师要求他们不要说话。以后大家想要别人不要做某事可以有不止stop一个选择了。
3. run one's mouth
这个片语的意思是“to talk excessively or foolishy”,这里我们可以理解为“胡说八道,说个没完”。
影片对白 You don't need to know everything, Carla Jean.
文化面面观 The Coen Brothers
考考你 一展身手