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Little Miss Sunshine《阳光小美女》(精讲之六)
[ 2007-06-01 20:25 ]

文化面面观  Beauty contest: an introduction 选美大赛的历史

思想火花  《阳光小美女》不是一部普通的志励片,它没有把坚信追寻的过程赋予最后完美的大团圆。奥利弗幸运的是,她有一群真正爱她的家人,他们并没有因为得不到第一而放弃帮助奥利弗千里迢迢参加选秀大赛,一家人也在这场不寻常的旅途中重新认识自己,把缺失变成另一种人生态度。

考考你  乘热打铁


Grandpa: Perfect. Perfect. You're the world champion growler. Time for your beauty rest. Get in there. There you go. Good night.

Olive: Grandpa?

Grandpa: Yeah.

Olive: I'm kinda scared about tomorrow.

Grandpa: Are you kiddin' me? You're gonna blow 'em out of the water. They're not gonna know what hit 'em.

Olive: Grandpa?

Grandpa: Yeah.

Olive: Am I pretty?

Grandpa: Olive, you are the most beautiful girl in the whole world.

Olive: Nah, you're just saying that.

Grandpa: No, I'm not. I'm madly in love with you. And it's not because of your brains or your personality. It's because you're beautiful, inside and out.

Olive: Grandpa?

Grandpa: What?

Olive: I don't want to be a loser.

Grandpa: You're not a loser. Where'd you get the idea you're a loser?

Olive: Because Daddy hates losers.

Grandpa: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up a minute. You know what a loser is? A real loser is somebody that's so afraid of not winning, they don't even try. Now, you're trying, right?

Olive: Yeah.

Grandpa: Well, then, you're not a loser. We're gonna have fun tomorrow, right?

Olive: Yeah.

Grandpa: We can tell 'em all to go to hell. Good night, sweetie. I love you.


1. Blow out of the water

这个片语挺有趣的,它的意思是"defeat decisively",起源于19世纪中期的海军,最初的意思是"将敌方的军舰打成碎片",现在用来指各种各样的"打败"对手,例如:With a great new product and excellent publicity, we could blow the competition out of the water.

此外,blow out of the water 还可以表示"surprise greatly",例如:I was blown out of the water when I heard that I was promoted.

2. Nah, you're just saying that.

Nah 这里表示"no",you're just saying that 的意思是"你不过是说说罢了",这可是一句很实用的口语,赶紧记下来哦!

3. Back up

Back up 这个片语有很多意思,我们来一一看一下:
a. to bring (a stream of traffic) to a standstill 停止,例如:A stalled car backed up traffic for miles. 影片中采用的也是这个意思,爷爷叫Olive"先不要哭"。
b. to move backward 后退,例如:Back up into the garage.
c. to reinforce 加固,例如:We backed up the cardboard with slats so it wouldn't fall down.
d. to support or confirm 支持,例如:He backed up my story and they let us go.
e. Computers. to duplicate (a file or a program) as a precaution against failure 备份,例如:Have you backed up the files in the computer?

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