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Money can buy you love, web poll shows
[ 2007-11-27 11:31 ]


It was love at first sight for marketing executive Lu Yun when he was introduced to his girlfriend two years ago.

But the 28-year-old adman from Shanghai has found that when it comes to the four-letter word, it is money that talks.

In fact, it was the subject of the couple's frequent fights - before they decided to "take a break" from the relationship early this year, he said.

"She made it very clear: An apartment works. No apartment, no-go," Lu said.

Recently qq.com, an online community visited mostly by young people, conducted an online snap poll together with the China Youth Daily. It showed a growing number of the country's young adults shared the view of Lu's girlfriend.

Nearly half the 8,932 respondents said that money and other financial packages are the most important preconditions for love.

Many young singles are also checking out the financial status of their potential partners before getting married.

Of those surveyed, 85.5 percent said the younger generation paid more attention to financial status when considering potential life partners than previous generations.

Lu, for example, said he cannot afford to buy an apartment.

"The mortgage is about 7,000 yuan ($950) a month," said the man, whose monthly salary is about 8,000 yuan.

Sometimes he complains about his plight, but he does not blame his girlfriend.

"Housing prices are so high and everything is expensive in the city. Marrying a rich man equals a good marriage," he said.

But all is not lost for love.

The survey  found 40 percent of those polled considered true love paramount in a relationship, while 40 percent still believed in love at first sight.

"I still believe my generation will choose partners because they like each other," said John Zhao, a 27 year old civil servant from Beijing.

"We have more options and experience than our parents."

Zhao said many marriages of the previous generation were arranged by family members or their work units, where responsibility and duty subsequently played a large part in sustaining the union.

"Placing more importance on money doesn't mean there is no true love," he said.

Zhang Yuzhang, an associate professor of sociology at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, told the China Youth Daily: "Love is a feeling. It needs material support to become real, solid and lasting."


1.The poll was conducted by China Youth Daily and what online community?

2.How many people took part in the poll?

3.What percentage of respondents said that money and other financial packages are the most important preconditions for love?

4.What percentage said they believed in love at first sight?




3.Nearly half.

4.40 percent.

(英语点津 Celene 编辑)

About the broadcaster:

Jonathan Stewart is a media and journalism expert from the United States with four years of experience as a writer and instructor. He accepted a foreign expert position with chinadaily.com.cn in June 2007 following the completion of his Master of Arts degree in International Relations and Comparative Politics.  




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