Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton will marry in London's Westminster Abbey on Friday in the country's biggest royal wedding for three decades.
Here are the key timings for the day:
Between 08:15 and 09:45: The vast majority of the 1,900 guests will arrive at the Great North Door of Westminster Abbey ahead of the 11am service.
From 09:50: Governors-general and prime ministers of realm countries, the Diplomatic Corps, and other distinguished guests arrive at the Abbey.
10:10: Prince William and his best man Prince Harry leave Clarence House in a Bentley for Westminster Abbey, arriving five minutes later. The route between Buckingham Palace and the Abbey goes by The Mall, Horse Guards Road, Horse Guards Parade, through Horse Guards Arch, Whitehall, Parliament Square (the south side) and Broad Sanctuary.
10:20: Members of foreign royal families arrive at the Abbey from Buckingham Palace.
10:20: Kate Middleton's mother Carole Middleton and brother James Middleton leave the Goring Hotel for the Abbey. They arrive at the Abbey at 10:27.
10:25: Members of the Royal Family (except those listed below) leave Buckingham Palace for the Abbey, arriving at 10:30.
10:35: The following members of the Royal Family leave Buckingham Palace for the Abbey, arriving at 10:40: The Duke of York, Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, The Earl and Countess of Wessex, The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Timothy Laurence.
10:38: The Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall leave Clarence House, arriving at the Abbey at 1042.

10:40: The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh leave Buckingham Palace, arriving at the Abbey at 10:45.
10:48: The bridesmaids and pages leave the Goring Hotel, arriving at the Abbey at 10:55.
10:51: The bride and her father Michael Middleton leave the Goring Hotel for Westminster Abbey in a Rolls Royce.
10:51 新娘凯特在父亲迈克尔·米德尔顿陪同下,离开格林酒店前往威斯敏斯特大教堂。
11:00: The marriage service begins and is relayed by speakers along the route. There will also be big screens in Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square.
12:15: The carriage procession of the bride and groom with a Captain's Escort of the Household Cavalry, followed by the Queen's procession with a Sovereign's Escort of the Household Cavalry, leaves the Abbey for Buckingham Palace. The bride and groom will be in the 1902 State Landau, or the Glass Coach if it is raining.
12:30: The bride's carriage procession arrives at Buckingham Palace.
12:40: Members of the Royal Family and members of foreign royal families arrive at Buckingham Palace.
From 12:40: Other guests for the reception arrive at Buckingham Palace.
13:25: The Queen and the bride and groom, together with their families, appear on the balcony.
13:30: Fly-past by the Royal Air Force and Battle of Britain Memorial Flight.
Afternoon: The queen hosts an official wedding lunch for 650 guests at the palace.
Evening: Prince Charles hosts dinner-dance at the palace for 300 friends and family. Prince Harry is reportedly lining up an early morning "survivors' breakfast".
Plans for the Wedding Day
威廉婚期将至 英国王室面具热销
No Ring For Wills 威廉王子不戴婚戒
(来源:每日电讯报 编辑:崔旭燕)