[ 2006-07-17 10:00 ]

请看《中国日报》相关报道:China's government will issue 31.9 billion yuan (3.98 billion US dollars) worth ofbook-entry treasury bondson Monday, the 10th batch issued this year, said the Ministry of Finance.
With a maturity term of three years and an annual interest rate of 2.34 percent, the T-bonds would be floated on the capital market on July 26, the ministry said in a statement posted on its official website.
深受老百姓青睐的金融产品“国债”常用bond表示。目前,我国现有的国债品种主要是“book-entry treasure bonds”(记账式国债)和“certificated bonds”(凭证式国债)两种,这里主要谈一下“book-entry treasure bonds”(记账式国债)。
Book在这里是金融术语,指“financial or business records considered as a group”(账目,全部的金融或商业记录),例如:checked the expenditures on the books(查对账目上的支出情况);entry更侧重于单条账目,如“make an entry in the ledger”(记账)。