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[ 2010-04-27 16:10]     字号 [] [] []  
免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009

国际奥委会前主席萨马兰奇病逝的消息让世界人民心痛不已,我们难以用语言形容奥林匹克大家庭的悲伤。他把一生都贡献给了奥林匹克,也是中国人民的好朋友。2008年8月1日出版的《文明》杂志刊登了他为《奥林匹克与中国》(“新北京·新奥运”珍藏特刊Ⅱ)画册撰写的序言,题为《期盼北京2008》(Expecting Beijing 2008)。让我们一起来回味一下他对2008北京奥运会寄托的期盼和给予的支持。

Expecting BeiJing 2008 《期盼北京2008》

Honorary President for Life of the International Olympic Committee Juan Antonio Samaranch 

国际奥委会终生名誉主席 萨马兰奇

For the first time, the Olympic Games will be held in china in 2008. For the first time, the entire world will share a unique celebration thanks to the knowledge and experience of what china has achieved in thousands of years of its history and culture.


I would like to salute the initiative of the well-known "civilization magazine", which, through its "Olympic series", makes an important contribution to the promotion of the Olympic ideals and the history of the Olympic Games among the Chinese people.


China is a country of culture and plays a significant role in the world of sport. China has always spread the Olympic ideal, which is based on solidarity, friendship and peace, within its territory.



I have always been, and will remain forever a friend of your great country. Our friendship started when I was the Spanish ambassador in Moscow at the end of the 1970s. During my 21 years as IOC president, I visited China more than 20 times. The Chinese people are friendly and warm-hearted. I feel their warmth and find myself in an ocean of friendship whenever I set foot on Chinese soil.


I will always remember the moment when I presented the first Olympic gold medal at the Los Angeles games in 1984, because it was awarded to a Chinese athlete, Xu Haifeng and it was also the first Olympic gold medal to be won by a Chinese person in the Olympic history. Since then, Chinese athletes have achieved some remarkable performances throughout the world. These athletes, who have faced many challenges, become examples for future generations in China and beyond. They motivate young girls and boys, encouraging them to practise sport, and above all inspiring dreams of participating in the Olympic Games.


During these last decades, the changes in China are incredible and spectacular. China is becoming one of the most important countries in the world. Beijing's candidacy was already a revelation.


It is a bustling city which has demonstrated surprising development and is showing an imagination and new technology that startles whoever studies its current evolution.


I am convinced that the Beijing games will be successful if China is really willing to organise very successful games and if it really knows very well that these games can be a turning point for the country.


As we look forward to the games of the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing in 2008, I am certain that the Chinese people and athletes will add to the excellence and excitement of the games.



萨马兰奇病逝 享年89岁




(来源:普特英语听力  编辑:Julie)





