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新华社 2017-11-06 16:25


第一章 党员

Chapter I. Membership

第一条 年满十八岁的中国工人、农民、军人、知识分子和其他社会阶层的先进分子,承认党的纲领和章程,愿意参加党的一个组织并在其中积极工作、执行党的决议和按期交纳党费的,可以申请加入中国共产党。

Article 1: Any forward-thinking Chinese worker, farmer, member of the armed forces, intellectual, or person from any other social strata who has reached the age of eighteen and who accepts the Party’s program and Constitution and is willing to join and work actively in one of the Party’s organizations, carry out the Party’s resolutions, and pay regular membership dues may apply for membership to the Communist Party of China.

第二条 中国共产党党员是中国工人阶级的有共产主义觉悟的先锋战士。

Article 2: Members of the Communist Party of China are vanguard fighters of the Chinese working class who possess Communist consciousness.


Members of the Communist Party of China must wholeheartedly serve the people, be ready to make any personal sacrifice, and dedicate their lives to realizing communism.


Members of the Communist Party of China shall be forever ordinary members of the working people. No Communist Party member shall pursue any personal gain or privilege beyond the individual interests and the powers attached to their job afforded through laws and policies.

第三条 党员必须履行下列义务:

Article 3: Party members must fulfill the following obligations:


1) Conscientiously study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, study the Party’s lines, principles, policies, and resolutions, acquire a fundamental knowledge of the Party, improve their general, scientific, legal, and professional knowledge, and work diligently to strengthen their ability to serve the people.


2) Implement the Party’s basic line, principles, and policies, take the lead in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, encourage the people to work hard for economic development and social progress, and play an exemplary and vanguard role in production, work, study, and social activities.


3)Adhere to the principle that the interests of the Party and the people come before all else, subordinating personal interests to the interests of the Party and the people, being the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts, working selflessly for the public interest, and making a significant contribution.


4) Consciously observe Party discipline, with utmost emphasis placed on the Party’s political discipline and rules, set a fine example in abiding by the laws and regulations of the state, strictly protect Party and state secrets, execute Party decisions, comply with Party decisions on job allocation, and readily fulfill the Party’s tasks.


5) Uphold Party solidarity and unity, practice loyalty and honesty toward the Party, ensure their actions are true to their words, firmly oppose all factional and clique activities, and oppose feigning compliance and other double-dealing behavior and scheming of any kind.


6) Engage in genuine criticism and self-criticism, have the courage to reveal and correct statements and actions violating the Party’s principles and shortcomings and mistakes in work, and resolutely combat corruption and other forms of misconduct.


7) Maintain close ties with the people, share the ideas of the Party with them, consult with them as issues arise, keep the Party up to date on their views and demands, and defend their legitimate interests.


8) Promote new socialist customs and practices; lead the way in practicing core socialist values and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace; champion Communist ethics; advocate traditional virtues of the Chinese nation; and, the moment any difficulty or danger arises, step forward and fight bravely without fearing sacrifice to defend the interests of the country and the people.

第四条 党员享有下列权利:

Article 4: Party members shall enjoy the right to:


1) Attend relevant Party meetings, read relevant Party documents, and benefit from Party education and training.


2) Participate in discussion on questions concerning Party policy at Party meetings and in Party newspapers and periodicals.


3) Make suggestions and proposals regarding the work of the Party.


4) Offer well-founded criticism at Party meetings of any Party organization or any member; responsibly expose or report to the Party any disciplinary or legal violation by any Party organization or member; demand disciplinary action be brought against a member known to have violated discipline or the law; and call for the dismissal or replacement of any incompetent cadre.


5) Participate in voting and stand for election.


6) Be present and plead their case at discussions held by Party organizations to decide on disciplinary action to be taken against them or to appraise their work and behavior; other Party members may also bear witness or argue on their behalf.


7) Make a statement of reservation and present their views to a Party organization at a higher level, up to and including the Central Committee, in case of disagreement with a Party resolution or policy, on the condition that they resolutely implement the resolution or policy in question while it is in force.


8) Submit a request, appeal, or accusation to a higher-level Party organization, up to and including the Central Committee, and request that the organization concerned issues an accountable reply.


No Party organization at any level, including the Central Committee, has the right to deprive a Party member of the aforementioned rights.

第五条 发展党员,必须把政治标准放在首位,经过党的支部,坚持个别吸收的原则。

Article 5: New Party members must be admitted through a Party branch, for which political integrity must be upheld as the primary criterion and the principle of individual admission must be adhered to.


An applicant for Party membership must complete an application form and be recommended by two full Party members. The application must be accepted at a general meeting of the Party branch concerned and be approved by the Party organization at the next level up, and the applicant must undergo observation for a probationary period before being granted full membership.


In recommending an applicant, a Party member must endeavor to understand the applicant’s thinking, character, personal record, and performance at work and explain to the applicant the program and Constitution of the Party, the criteria for membership, and the rights and obligations of members, and must accordingly report responsibly to the Party organization.


The Party branch committee shall, in relation to the applicant for Party membership, solicit the opinions of relevant persons within and outside the Party, carry out thorough checks, and, on believing the applicant to meet Party criteria, submit the application to a general meeting for discussion.


Before approving the admission of an applicant for membership, the Party organization at the next level up must appoint Party members to talk with the applicant in order to get to know him or her better and help deepen his or her understanding of the Party.


In exceptional circumstances, the Party Central Committee or the committee of a province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central government may admit a new Party member directly.

第六条 预备党员必须面向党旗进行入党宣誓。誓词如下:我志愿加入中国共产党,拥护党的纲领,遵守党的章程,履行党员义务,执行党的决定,严守党的纪律,保守党的秘密,对党忠诚,积极工作,为共产主义奋斗终身,随时准备为党和人民牺牲一切,永不叛党。

Article 6: A probationary Party member must take an oath of admission before the Party flag. The oath reads: It is my will to join the Communist Party of China, uphold the Party’s program, observe the provisions of the Party Constitution, fulfill the obligations of a Party member, carry out the Party’s decisions, strictly observe Party discipline, protect Party secrets, be loyal to the Party, work hard, fight for communism for the rest of my life, always be prepared to sacrifice my all for the Party and the people, and never betray the Party.

第七条 预备党员的预备期为一年。党组织对预备党员应当认真教育和考察。

Article 7: The probationary period of a probationary member is one year. Party organizations should act in earnest to guide and observe probationary members.


The obligations of a probationary member are the same as those of a full member. With the exception of the right to vote and stand for election, the rights of a probationary member are the same as those of a full member.


Upon completion of the probationary period of a probationary member, the Party branch should promptly discuss whether he or she may be accepted as a full member. A probationary member who conscientiously performs his or her obligations and meets the criteria for full membership shall have their status changed to full member at the end of the probationary period; in the event that continued observation and education are deemed necessary, the probationary period may be extended, but by no more than one year; in the event that a probationary member has failed to perform his or her obligations or to meet the criteria for full membership, his or her probationary membership shall be revoked. Any decision to grant a probationary member full membership, extend a probationary period, or revoke a probationary membership must be discussed and passed at a general meeting of the Party branch and approved by the Party organization at the next level up.


The probationary period of a probationary member shall begin on the day the general meeting of the Party branch passes the decision to accept him or her as a probationary member. Length of Party membership shall be counted from the day he or she is granted full membership, having completed the probationary period.

第八条 每个党员,不论职务高低,都必须编入党的一个支部、小组或其他特定组织,参加党的组织生活,接受党内外群众的监督。党员领导干部还必须参加党委、党组的民主生活会。不允许有任何不参加党的组织生活、不接受党内外群众监督的特殊党员。

Article 8: Every Party member, irrespective of position, must join a branch, group, or other given unit of the Party; participate in the regular activities of the Party organization; and accept the oversight of the people both within and outside the Party. Party members in positions of leadership must attend meetings of Party members in leadership positions held by their respective Party committees or leading Party members groups. There shall be no special Party members exempted from participation in the regular activities of the Party organization or from the oversight of the people within and outside the Party.

第九条 党员有退党的自由。党员要求退党,应当经支部大会讨论后宣布除名,并报上级党组织备案。

Article 9: Party members have the freedom to withdraw from the Party. In the event a Party member requests a withdrawal, the Party branch concerned shall, after discussion at a general meeting, announce the removal of his or her name from the Party roll and report the withdrawal to the Party organization at the next level up to be put on record.


In the event that a Party member is found to lack revolutionary will or to be failing to fulfill Party-member obligations or the criteria for Party membership, the member’s Party branch shall require him or her to undergo education and rectify the situation within a stipulated time frame. If there is no change following attempts at education, he or she shall be urged to withdraw from the Party. In the event that a member is to be urged to withdraw from the Party, the matter shall be discussed and decided on at a general meeting of the Party branch concerned and submitted to the Party organization at the next level up for approval. Should a Party member urged to withdraw be adamant that he or she will not do so, the case shall be submitted to a general meeting of the Party branch concerned for discussion to decide on the removal of their name from the Party roll, after which the decision shall be submitted to the Party organization at the next level up for approval.


A Party member who, without good reason, fails to take part in the regular activities of his or her Party organization, pay membership dues, or carry out work assigned by the Party for six consecutive months shall be regarded as having given up his or her membership. The Party branch concerned should, through a general meeting, decide on the removal of their name from the Party roll and report it to the Party organization at the next level up for approval.

第二章 党的组织制度

Chapter II. The Party’s Organizational System

第十条 党是根据自己的纲领和章程,按照民主集中制组织起来的统一整体。党的民主集中制的基本原则是:

Article 10: The Party is an integral body organized under its own program and Constitution and on the basis of democratic centralism. The Party’s basic principles of democratic centralism are as follows:


1) Individual Party members defer to Party organizations, the minority defers to the majority, lower-level Party organizations defer to higher-level Party organizations, and all organizations and members of the Party defer to the National Congress and the Central Committee of the Party.


2) Leading bodies of the Party at all levels, with the exception of their dispatched representative organs and the leading Party members groups in non-Party organizations, are generated by election.


3) The highest leading bodies of the Party are the National Congress and the Central Committee which it elects. The Party’s local leading bodies are the Party congresses at each level and the Party committees which they elect. Party committees are responsible and shall report their work to the Party congress at the same level.


4) Higher-level Party organizations shall listen regularly to the views of lower-level organizations and rank-and-file Party members, and respond quickly to the problems they raise. Lower-level Party organizations shall report on their work to and request instructions from higher-level Party organizations; at the same time, they shall handle, independently and responsibly, matters within their jurisdiction. Higher- and lower-level Party organizations shall exchange information and support and oversee each other. Party organizations at all levels shall practice transparency in Party affairs in accordance with regulations, helping Party members to be better informed of internal Party affairs and enabling them greater opportunity to participate.


5) Party committees at all levels shall function on the principle of combining collective leadership with individual responsibility based on the division of work. Decisions on all major issues shall be made through discussion by the Party committee concerned in accordance with the principles of collective leadership, democratic centralism, pre-meeting contemplation, and meeting-based decision making. Members of Party committees shall act in earnest to fulfill their respective obligations in accordance with the collective decisions made and the division of work.


6) The Party proscribes all forms of personality cult. It shall be ensured that the activities of Party leaders are subject to oversight by the Party and the people, while at the same time upholding the standing of all leaders who represent the interests of the Party and the people.

第十一条 党的各级代表大会的代表和委员会的产生,要体现选举人的意志。选举采用无记名投票的方式。候选人名单要由党组织和选举人充分酝酿讨论。可以直接采用候选人数多于应选人数的差额选举办法进行正式选举。也可以先采用差额选举办法进行预选,产生候选人名单,然后进行正式选举。选举人有了解候选人情况、要求改变候选人、不选任何一个候选人和另选他人的权利。任何组织和个人不得以任何方式强迫选举人选举或不选举某个人。

Article 11: The election of delegates to Party congresses and members of Party committees, at all levels, shall reflect the will of the voters. Elections shall be held by secret ballot. Lists of candidates shall be fully deliberated and discussed by Party organizations and voters. The method of nominating a greater number of candidates than the number of persons to be elected may be adopted to directly carry out a formal election, or this method may first be used in a preliminary election to generate a list of candidates for the formal election that is to follow. Voters have the right to inquire about candidates, request a change in candidates, decline to vote for any of the candidates, or choose to vote for someone who is not a candidate. No organization or individual shall in any way compel a voter to vote or not vote for a candidate.


If the Party Constitution is thought to have been violated in any way during the election of a delegate to a local Party congress at any level or to a Party congress at the primary level, after investigation and verification, the Party committee at the next level up shall issue a decision to declare the election invalid and take appropriate measures, and report this decision to the Party committee at the next level up to be checked and approved before it is formally announced and implemented.


A tenure system shall be adopted for delegates to Party congresses at all levels.

第十二条 党的中央和地方各级委员会在必要时召集代表会议,讨论和决定需要及时解决的重大问题。代表会议代表的名额和产生办法,由召集代表会议的委员会决定。

Article 12: The Central Committee and local committees at all levels shall, when necessary, convene a conference of delegates to discuss and make decisions on a major problem that requires prompt resolution. The number of delegates to attend and the procedures for generating the list of delegates shall be determined by the Party committee convening the conference.

第十三条 凡是成立党的新组织,或是撤销党的原有组织,必须由上级党组织决定。

Article 13: Every instance of a new Party organization being formed or an existing Party organization being dissolved must be decided on by a Party organization at a higher level.


When the congress of a local Party organization at any level or the congress of a primary-level Party organization is not in session, the Party organization at the next level up may, when it deems necessary, transfer or designate the persons responsible for the lower-level Party organization.


The Party’s Central Committee and local committees at every level may dispatch representative organs.

第十四条 党的中央和省、自治区、直辖市委员会实行巡视制度,在一届任期内,对所管理的地方、部门、企事业单位党组织实现巡视全覆盖。

Article 14: The Party’s Central Committee and committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government shall implement the discipline inspection system, and shall, within their term of office, carry out inspections of the Party organizations of all localities, departments, enterprises, and public institutions under their jurisdiction.


The leading Party members groups or Party committees of the departments and offices under the Party Central Committee and the State Council shall carry out inspections in response to the needs of their work.


City (including prefecture and league) and county (including county-level city, district, and banner) Party committees shall establish a discipline inspection system.

第十五条 党的各级领导机关,对同下级组织有关的重要问题作出决定时,在通常情况下,要征求下级组织的意见。要保证下级组织能够正常行使他们的职权。凡属应由下级组织处理的问题,如无特殊情况,上级领导机关不要干预。

Article 15: When making a decision on an important issue affecting a lower-level organization, a leading body of the Party at any level shall, under normal circumstances, solicit the opinions of the lower-level organization. It shall be ensured that the lower-level organization is able to exercise its functions and powers as usual. Except in exceptional circumstances, no higher-level leading body shall interfere in any matter that ought to be handled by a lower-level organization.

第十六条 有关全国性的重大政策问题,只有党中央有权作出决定,各部门、各地方的党组织可以向中央提出建议,但不得擅自作出决定和对外发表主张。

Article 16: Only the Central Committee of the Party has the power to make decisions on major national policies. The Party organization of a department or locality may make suggestions to the Central Committee with regard to such policies, but shall not make any decision or express their views outside the Party without authorization.


Lower-level Party organizations must resolutely implement the decisions of higher-level Party organizations. In the event a lower-level organization believes a decision of a higher-level organization to be unsuitable for the specific circumstances of its locality or department, it may request that the decision be revised. If the higher-level organization decides to maintain its original decision, the lower-level organization must carry out the decision and refrain from publicly voicing any differences of opinion, but reserves the right to report the matter to a Party organization at the next level up.


Newspapers, periodicals, and other media used in publicity run by Party organizations at all levels must feature information on the lines, principles, policies, and resolutions of the Party.

第十七条 党组织讨论决定问题,必须执行少数服从多数的原则。决定重要问题,要进行表决。对于少数人的不同意见,应当认真考虑。如对重要问题发生争论,双方人数接近,除了在紧急情况下必须按多数意见执行外,应当暂缓作出决定,进一步调查研究,交换意见,下次再表决;在特殊情况下,也可将争论情况向上级组织报告,请求裁决。

Article 17: In discussing and making decisions on a matter, Party organizations must uphold the principle of the minority respecting the majority. When a decision is being made on a major issue, a vote shall be held. Serious consideration should be given to the differing views of a minority. In case of disagreement on a major issue where the numbers in support of each view are closely matched, except in an emergency when action must be taken according to the majority view, the decision should be delayed and further investigation, research, and exchange of opinions should be undertaken before another vote is held. In exceptional circumstances, the disagreement may also be reported to the Party organization at the next level up and a verdict requested.


In the event that an individual Party member is to express a view on a major issue on behalf of his or her Party organization that goes beyond the scope of the organization’s existing decisions, the content must be referred to that organization for prior discussion and a decision, or referred to the Party organization at the next level up for instruction. No Party member, whatever his or her position, may act alone in making a decision on a major issue. In case of emergency, when a decision by an individual is unavoidable, the matter must be reported to his or her Party organization immediately after the event. No leader may make decisions arbitrarily or place him or herself above his or her Party organization.

第十八条 党的中央、地方和基层组织,都必须重视党的建设,经常讨论和检查党的宣传工作、教育工作、组织工作、纪律检查工作、群众工作、统一战线工作等,注意研究党内外的思想政治状况。

Article 18: Organizations of the Party at the central, local, and primary levels must all give serious attention to Party building; regularly discuss and examine the Party’s promotional, educational, and organizational work, discipline inspection, its work with the people, and its work related to the united front; and carefully study current thinking and political trends both within and outside the Party.









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