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新华社 2017-11-06 16:25


第九章 党组

Chapter IX. Leading Party Members Groups

第四十八条 在中央和地方国家机关、人民团体、经济组织、文化组织和其他非党组织的领导机关中,可以成立党组。党组发挥领导核心作用。党组的任务,主要是负责贯彻执行党的路线、方针、政策;加强对本单位党的建设的领导,履行全面从严治党责任;讨论和决定本单位的重大问题;做好干部管理工作;讨论和决定基层党组织设置调整和发展党员、处分党员等重要事项;团结党外干部和群众,完成党和国家交给的任务;领导机关和直属单位党组织的工作。

Article 48: A leading Party members group may be formed in the leading body of central or local state organs, people’s organizations, economic or cultural institutions, or other non-Party organizations. Such a group shall play the role of the leadership core. Its main tasks are: to ensure that the Party’s lines, principles, and policies are implemented; to strengthen leadership over Party building within its danwei and fulfill its responsibility for exercising strict Party self-governance in every respect; to discuss and make decisions on matters of major significance within its danwei, to manage officials to proper effect; to discuss and decide on important issues including adjusting the setup of primary-level Party organizations, admitting new Party members, and disciplining Party members; to encourage non-Party officials and the people in fulfilling the tasks entrusted to them by the Party and the state; and to exercise leadership over the work of the Party organizations of the danwei and those directly under it.

第四十九条 党组的成员,由批准成立党组的党组织决定。党组设书记,必要时还可以设副书记。

Article 49: The composition of a leading Party members group is decided on by the Party organization that approves its establishment. A leading Party members group shall appoint a secretary and, when necessary, deputy secretaries.


A leading Party members group must accept the leadership of the Party organization that approves its establishment.

第五十条 对下属单位实行集中统一领导的国家工作部门可以建立党委,党委的产生办法、职权和工作任务,由中央另行规定。

Article 50: Party committees may be set up in state departments which exercise centralized leadership over the danwei beneath them. The Central Committee of the Party shall stipulate the specific procedures for their establishment and define their functions, powers, and tasks.

第十章 党和共产主义青年团的关系

Chapter X. Relationship between the Party and the Communist Youth League of China

第五十一条 中国共产主义青年团是中国共产党领导的先进青年的群团组织,是广大青年在实践中学习中国特色社会主义和共产主义的学校,是党的助手和后备军。共青团中央委员会受党中央委员会领导。共青团的地方各级组织受同级党的委员会领导,同时受共青团上级组织领导。

Article 51: The Communist Youth League of China is a people’s group organization of forward-thinking young people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China; it is a school for vast numbers of young people to learn through practice about socialism with Chinese characteristics and about communism; it is an aide to and reserve force of the Party. The Central Committee of the Communist Youth League functions under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Party. Local chapters of the Communist Youth League come under the leadership of the relevant Party committee at the corresponding level and of the higher-level organization of the League itself.

第五十二条 党的各级委员会要加强对共青团的领导,注意团的干部的选拔和培训。党要坚决支持共青团根据广大青年的特点和需要,生动活泼地、富于创造性地进行工作,充分发挥团的突击队作用和联系广大青年的桥梁作用。

Article 52: Party committees at every level must strengthen their leadership over Communist Youth League organizations and pay attention to the selection and training of League officials. The Party must give firm support to the Communist Youth League as it carries out its work in a vibrant and creative way which suits the characteristics and needs of young people, and give full play to the League’s spearhead role and its role as a bridge linking the Party with younger generations.


Those secretaries of League committees at or below the county level or in enterprises and public institutions who are Party members may attend the meetings of Party committees or of the standing committees of Party committees at their corresponding level as non-voting participants.

第十一章 党徽党旗

Chapter XI. Party Emblem and Flag

第五十三条 中国共产党党徽为镰刀和锤头组成的图案。

Article 53: The emblem of the Communist Party of China is composed of a hammer and sickle.

第五十四条 中国共产党党旗为旗面缀有金黄色党徽图案的红旗。

Article 54: The flag of the Communist Party of China is a red flag emblazoned with a golden Party emblem.

第五十五条 中国共产党的党徽党旗是中国共产党的象征和标志。党的各级组织和每一个党员都要维护党徽党旗的尊严。要按照规定制作和使用党徽党旗。

Article 55: The Party emblem and the Party flag are the symbol and sign of the Communist Party of China. Party organizations at every level and all Party members shall protect the sanctity of the Party emblem and the Party flag. Party emblems and flags should be made and used according to regulations.


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