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新华社 2017-11-06 16:25


第三章 党的中央组织

Chapter III. Central Party Organizations

第十九条 党的全国代表大会每五年举行一次,由中央委员会召集。中央委员会认为有必要,或者有三分之一以上的省一级组织提出要求,全国代表大会可以提前举行;如无非常情况,不得延期举行。

Article 19: The National Congress of the Party shall be held once every five years and convened by the Central Committee. In the event that the Central Committee deems it necessary or more than one third of provincial-level Party organizations put forward a request, a National Congress may be convened early. Except in unusual circumstances, it may not be postponed.


The number of delegates to the National Congress and the procedures governing their election shall be determined by the Central Committee.

第二十条 党的全国代表大会的职权是:

Article 20: The functions and powers of the National Congress of the Party are as follows:


1) to hear and examine the reports of the Central Committee;


2) to examine the reports of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection;


3) to discuss and make decisions on major issues concerning the Party;


4) to revise the Constitution of the Party;


5) to elect the Central Committee; and


6) to elect the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

第二十一条 党的全国代表会议的职权是:讨论和决定重大问题;调整和增选中央委员会、中央纪律检查委员会的部分成员。调整和增选中央委员及候补中央委员的数额,不得超过党的全国代表大会选出的中央委员及候补中央委员各自总数的五分之一。

Article 21: The functions and powers of the National Conference of the Party are to discuss and make decisions on major issues and to replace members and elect additional members of the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. The number of Central Committee members and alternate members to be replaced or newly elected shall not exceed one fifth of the respective totals of full and alternate members elected to the Central Committee by the National Congress of the Party.

第二十二条 党的中央委员会每届任期五年。全国代表大会如提前或延期举行,它的任期相应地改变。中央委员会委员和候补委员必须有五年以上的党龄。中央委员会委员和候补委员的名额,由全国代表大会决定。中央委员会委员出缺,由中央委员会候补委员按照得票多少依次递补。

Article 22: The Central Committee of the Party is elected for a term of five years. In the event that a National Congress is convened early or postponed, the term shall be shortened or extended accordingly. The length of Party membership of Central Committee members or alternate members must be a minimum of five years. The number of members and alternate members of a Central Committee shall be determined by the National Congress. Empty seats on the Central Committee shall be filled by alternate members in order of the number of votes they were elected by.


Plenary sessions of the Central Committee are convened by the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and are to be convened at least once annually. The Political Bureau shall report on its work at the plenary sessions and accept their oversight.


When the National Congress is not in session, the Central Committee shall carry out its resolutions, direct all Party work, and represent the Communist Party of China in external relations.

第二十三条 党的中央政治局、中央政治局常务委员会和中央委员会总书记,由中央委员会全体会议选举。中央委员会总书记必须从中央政治局常务委员会委员中产生。

Article 23: The Political Bureau, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, and the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party are elected at the plenary session of the Central Committee. The General Secretary of the Central Committee must be generated from among the members of the Political Bureau’s Standing Committee.


Between plenary sessions of the Central Committee, the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee shall exercise the functions and powers of the Central Committee.


The Secretariat of the Central Committee is the working body of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and its Standing Committee. Members of the Secretariat are nominated by the Political Bureau’s Standing Committee and must be approved at a plenary session of the Central Committee.


The General Secretary of the Central Committee is responsible for convening meetings of the Political Bureau and its Standing Committee and shall preside over the work of the Secretariat.


Members of the Central Military Commission of the Party are decided on by the Central Committee; Chairperson of the Central Military Commission assumes overall responsibility over the work of the Commission.


Central leading bodies and leaders elected by a Central Committee shall, when the next National Congress is in session, continue to preside over the day-to-day work of the Party until new central leading bodies and leaders have been elected by its successive Central Committee.

第二十四条 中国人民解放军的党组织,根据中央委员会的指示进行工作。中央军事委员会负责军队中党的工作和政治工作,对军队中党的组织体制和机构作出规定。

Article 24: Party organizations in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army shall carry out their work in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee. The Central Military Commission is responsible for Party work and political work in the armed forces, and shall prescribe the organizational system and organs of the Party in the armed forces.

第四章 党的地方组织

Chapter IV. Local Party Organizations

第二十五条 党的省、自治区、直辖市的代表大会,设区的市和自治州的代表大会,县(旗)、自治县、不设区的市和市辖区的代表大会,每五年举行一次。

Article 25: The Party congress of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government, city divided into districts, autonomous prefecture, county (banner), autonomous county, city not divided into districts, or municipal district is to be held once every five years.


Each local Party congress is convened by the local Party committee at the corresponding level. In exceptional circumstances, and with the approval of the Party committee at the next level up, a local Party congress may be brought forward or postponed.


At every level, the number of delegates to a local Party congress and the procedures governing their election shall be determined by the local Party committee at the corresponding level and reported for approval to the Party committee at the next level up.

第二十六条 党的地方各级代表大会的职权是:

Article 26: The functions and powers of a local Party congress, at every level, are as follows:


1) to hear and examine the reports of the local Party committee at the corresponding level;


2) to examine the reports of the local commission for discipline inspection at the corresponding level;


3) to discuss and adopt resolutions on major issues within the scope of its local area; and


4) to elect the local Party committee and commission for discipline inspection at the corresponding level.

第二十七条 党的省、自治区、直辖市、设区的市和自治州的委员会,每届任期五年。这些委员会的委员和候补委员必须有五年以上的党龄。

Article 27: The Party committee of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government, city divided into districts, or autonomous prefecture is elected for a term of five years. The length of Party membership of a member or alternate member of such a committee must be a minimum of five years.


The Party committee of a county (banner), autonomous county, city not divided into districts, or municipal district is elected for a term of five years. The length of Party membership of a member or alternate member of such a committee must be a minimum of three years.


In the event that a local Party congress, at any level, is brought forward or postponed, the term of the committee elected by the previous congress shall be shortened or extended accordingly.


At every level the number of members and alternate members of a local Party committee shall be determined by the corresponding Party committee at the next level up. At every level empty seats on a local Party committee shall be filled by alternate members of that committee in order of the number of votes they were elected by.


Local Party committees at every level shall convene a plenary session at least biannually.


Local Party committees at every level shall, when their local Party congress is not in session, carry out the directives of the Party organization at the next level up and the resolutions of the Party congress at the corresponding level, direct work in their own local area, and report on their work at regular intervals to the Party committee at the next level up.

第二十八条 党的地方各级委员会全体会议,选举常务委员会和书记、副书记,并报上级党的委员会批准。党的地方各级委员会的常务委员会,在委员会全体会议闭会期间,行使委员会职权;在下届代表大会开会期间,继续主持经常工作,直到新的常务委员会产生为止。

Article 28: Local Party committees at every level shall, at their plenary sessions, elect standing committees, secretaries, and deputy secretaries, and report to the next higher-level Party committee for approval. Local Party committee standing committees at every level shall exercise the functions and powers of the local Party committee when it is not in plenary session. The standing committee shall continue to preside over day-to-day work during the next session of the local Party congress until a new standing committee has been elected.


Local Party committee standing committees at every level shall regularly report on their work at the plenary sessions of their Party committees and accept their oversight.

第二十九条 党的地区委员会和相当于地区委员会的组织,是党的省、自治区委员会在几个县、自治县、市范围内派出的代表机关。它根据省、自治区委员会的授权,领导本地区的工作。

Article 29: A prefectural Party committee, or the equivalent organization, is a representative organ dispatched by the Party committee of a province or autonomous region to a prefecture covering a number of counties, autonomous counties, and/or cities. It shall lead work in its given prefecture as authorized by the Party committee of the province or autonomous region.

第五章 党的基层组织

Chapter V. Primary-Level Party Organizations

第三十条 企业、农村、机关、学校、科研院所、街道社区、社会组织、人民解放军连队和其他基层单位,凡是有正式党员三人以上的,都应当成立党的基层组织。

Article 30: A primary-level Party organization shall be formed in any enterprise, villagers’ committee, government organ, school, research institute, subdistrict and community, social organization, company of the People’s Liberation Army, and any other primary-level danwei [an organization where people work] where there are three or more full Party members.


Primary-level Party organizations shall, according to the requirements of their work and Party member numbers, and with the approval of higher-level Party organizations, establish primary-level Party committees, general Party branch committees, or Party branch committees. A primary-level Party committee is elected through a general meeting or a meeting of delegates and a general Party branch committee or a Party branch committee is elected through a general meeting, and in nominating candidates for these committees, the opinions of both Party and non-Party members shall be widely solicited.

第三十一条 党的基层委员会、总支部委员会、支部委员会每届任期三年至五年。基层委员会、总支部委员会、支部委员会的书记、副书记选举产生后,应报上级党组织批准。

Article 31: A primary-level Party committee, a general Party branch committee or a Party branch committee is elected for a term of three to five years. Results of elections for the secretaries and deputy secretaries of primary-level Party committees, general Party branch committees, and Party branch committees shall be reported to higher-level Party organizations for approval.

第三十二条 党的基层组织是党在社会基层组织中的战斗堡垒,是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础。它的基本任务是:

Article 32: Primary-level Party organizations play a key role for the Party in the basic units of social organization; they are the foundation for all the Party’s work and for its capacity to take on challenges. Their main tasks are:


1) to communicate to the public and carry out the Party’s lines, principles and policies, the resolutions of the Party Central Committee and other higher-level Party organizations, and their own resolutions; to give full play to the exemplary and vanguard role of Party members, to excel in their work, and to unite and organize Party officials and non-party officials as well as Party members and non-party members to fulfill the tasks of their danwei.


2) to organize Party members to conscientiously study Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; regularize and institutionalize the requirement for all Party members to study the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major policy addresses and to meet Party standards; study the Party’s lines, principles, policies, and resolutions; acquire a fundamental knowledge of the Party; and improve their general, scientific, legal, and professional knowledge.


3) to guide, manage, oversee, and serve Party members, improve their caliber, deepen their commitment to the ideals and convictions, strengthen their Party spirit, and ensure they participate regularly in Party organization activities; to carry out criticism and self-criticism activities, and maintain and implement Party discipline; to see that members conscientiously fulfill their obligations, and protect against infringements on their rights; and to improve migrant Party member management.


4) to maintain close ties with the people, regularly seek to understand their criticisms and opinions of Party members and the Party’s work, safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, and effectively carry out work related to their political thinking.


5) to give full play to the initiative and creativity of Party members and the people, to discover, nurture, and recommend people with outstanding talent from among them, and to encourage them to contribute their skills and intelligence to reform, opening up, and socialist modernization.


6) to guide and train active applicants for Party membership, to attend to routine work related to member recruitment, and to attach great importance to recruiting Party members from among those in the forefront of production and work and from among the younger generations.


7) to ensure that Party officials and all other personnel strictly observe state laws and regulations and the state’s financial and economic statutes and regulations on personnel, and that they do not infringe on the interests of the state, collectives, or the people.


8) to encourage Party members and the people to consciously resist unacceptable practices and resolutely fight against all violations of Party discipline or state law.

第三十三条 街道、乡、镇党的基层委员会和村、社区党组织,领导本地区的工作和基层社会治理,支持和保证行政组织、经济组织和群众自治组织充分行使职权。

Article 33: Primary-level Party committees in subdistricts, townships, and towns and Party organizations in villages and communities shall provide leadership for work in their localities and community-level social governance, and support and ensure the exercise of functions and powers by administrative, economic, and people’s self-governing organizations there.


The leading Party members groups or Party committees of state-owned enterprises shall play a leadership role, set the right direction, keep in mind the big picture, ensure the implementation of Party policies and principles, and discuss and decide on major issues of their enterprise in accordance with regulations. Primary-level Party organizations in state-owned or collective enterprises should focus their work on the operations of their enterprise. Primary-level Party organizations shall guarantee and oversee the implementation of the principles and policies of the Party and the state within their own enterprise and shall support the board of shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors, and manager (or factory director) in exercising their functions and powers in accordance with the law. They shall wholeheartedly rely on the workers and office staff and support the work of workers’ representative congresses; and they shall participate in making decisions on major issues in the enterprise. They shall strengthen their own organizational development and lead work on political thinking, efforts toward cultural-ethical progress, and work on trade unions, Communist Youth League organizations, and other people’s group organizations.


Primary-level Party organizations in non-public sector entities shall implement the Party’s principles and policies, guide and oversee their enterprises’ observance of state laws and regulations, exercise leadership over trade unions, Communist Youth League organizations, and other people’s group organizations, promote unity and cohesion among workers and office staff, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of all parties, and promote the healthy development of their enterprises.


Primary-level Party organizations in social organizations shall communicate to the public and carry out the Party’s lines, principles, and policies, exercise leadership over trade unions, Communist Youth League organizations, and other people’s group organizations, guide and manage their Party members, lead and serve the people, and advance the cause of the Party.


Primary-level Party organizations shall play a key role in public institutions under the charge of administrative leaders. Primary-level Party organizations in public institutions under the charge of administrative leaders led by a Party committee shall discuss and make decisions on major issues and, at the same time, ensure that the administrative leaders are able to fully exercise their functions and powers.


Primary-level Party organizations in offices of the Party or the state at every level shall assist chief administrators in fulfilling their tasks and improving their work; they shall guide, manage, and oversee all Party members, including chief administrators, but shall not direct the work of their danwei.

第三十四条 党支部是党的基础组织,担负直接教育党员、管理党员、监督党员和组织群众、宣传群众、凝聚群众、服务群众的职责。

Article 34: Party branches are the basic organizations of the Party; they are responsible for directly guiding, managing, and overseeing Party members and for organizing, communicating with, uniting, and serving the people.









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