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Beckhams 'to see' Cruise baby
[ 2006-08-11 17:07 ]



Victoria wearing new hairstyle

Proud parents Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have reportedly invited pals David and Victoria Beckham to see Tinseltown's best kept secret - their new baby Suri.  

However, the invitation comes with a bizarre list of requirements.

The Mission Impossible star, 44, has said that the couple, who are longing for a baby girl themselves, must not pick the baby up, take her picture or coo over her, reports The Daily Star.

A source told the paper: "David and Victoria are honoured that Tom and Katie have asked them along.

"However, they were a little shocked at the list of rules they'll have to follow."

The movie idol and his actress fiancee Katie, 27, have kept little Suri completely hidden since her birth was announced in April.

The pint-sized star is a devoted follower of Scientology and the first few months of a baby's life are the most traumatic according to the religion.

Scientology's founder Ron Hubbard warned against exposing young children to noise and alleged that a child could become mentally unstable if exposed to too much attention.

A Hollywood source added: "Tom's ex-love Penelope Cruz is the only person who's been allowed to see Suri so far."

David and Victoria are reportedly planning to take a mini Real Madrid strip for the baby. 



coo: 愿意为“轻声细语,充满柔情地说话”,此处引申为“轻声逗小宝宝”

pint-sized: 小不点大的

strip: (足球队员穿的)有特殊颜色条纹的球衣,此处引申为“球员”









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