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[ 2006-10-23 11:23 ]

在英国,名人“加官晋爵”早已司空见惯,曾被英女王授予过皇家勋章的如全球首富比尔·盖茨,好莱坞王牌导演斯皮尔伯格…… 英格兰足球巨星大卫·贝克汉姆继2003年被授予“英帝国军官勋章”之后,有望在今年新年期间受封英国爵位。据悉,在英国,勋位一年授予两次,一次在六月,女王的官方生日那天,另一次则在新年期间。

相关链接小贝夫妇受认可 维多利亚当选“美味妈妈”



David Beckham to be knighted

British soccer star DAVID BECKHAM is reportedly set to become a 'Sir' in QUEEN ELIZABETH's New Year's honours list.

The much-loved sportsman, who already is the proud owner of an Order of the British Empire (OBE), faces a prestigious knighthood in honour of his services to soccer and his community work.
An insider tells British newspaper Daily Star, "The Beckhams are already showbiz royalty and now they look set to move a step closer to the real thing. "It is widely believed Tony Blair will put David forward for a knighthood in the New Year list. "He was a fantastic skipper and player for England and there's every chance he'll be back. He's also done a tremendous amount for children and the community."



Sir: 爵士(称呼语,用于有爵士称号者的名字或姓名之前)

Order of the British Empire: 英帝国军官勋章

skipper: 足球队长(文中即“英格兰队队长”)









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