Flyer and Fryer Turkey are not avian counterfeiters. Or international
grain kingpins. The two white birds have committed no known crime against
man or beast. Their only offense? Being turkeys the day before the
Thanksgiving holiday when Americans traditionally eat turkey.
But unlike millions of other less fortunate birds, Flyer and Fryer were
spared the chopping block and won pardons from President Bush.
"This morning I am granting a full presidential pardon so they can live
out their lives as safe as can be," the president announced.
The birds, from the Midwest state of Missouri, are on their way to
California where they will be the honorary Grand Marshals of the
Thanksgiving Day parade at the Disneyland theme park.
This was the 59th presidential pardon of the National Thanksgiving
Turkey in the Rose Garden.
In the Rose Garden ceremony, President
Bush said the holiday is a time for all Americans to be grateful for their
"In our journey across the centuries, from a few tiny settlements to a
prosperous and powerful nation, Americans have always been a grateful
people," he noted. "And we are this year as well. We are grateful for our
beautiful land. We are grateful for a harvest big enough to feed us all.
We are grateful for our freedom. We are grateful for our families. And we
are grateful for life itself."
Mr. Bush thanked members of the U.S. military who he says have set
aside their own comfort and safety to defend the nation.