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Mama you sweet(妈妈•天堂系列1)
[ 2007-05-11 11:30 ]

“母亲·天堂”——很不愿涉足的伤感话题。只是,生老病死是人之常理,唯有的心愿是——面对时,我们不要心存遗憾,不要事后悔恨,更不要说:I never appreciated my mother until it was too late to tell her…

“Mama you sweet”选自美国乡村民谣歌手Lucinda Williams的最新专辑“West”(2007年发行)。整张专辑弥漫着化不开的忧伤,而专辑中多首曲子的创作灵感来源于Lucinda妈妈的逝世。“Mama you sweet”就是这么一首悼念亡母的布鲁斯民谣。

就歌词而言,“Mama you sweet”颇有意象派诗歌的味道。歌手通过海洋的汹涌(heavy ocean)、双唇的干裂(cracks on my lips)、心头的伤口(scars in my heart)等具体意象刻画了失去母亲的无限伤悲,这伤悲如此汹涌可以让坚墙轰然倒塌(pain hits a wall),这伤悲如此躁动以至找不到疏通的缺口(not know which way to go)……




Mama you sweet                      by  Lucinda Williams

I love you Mama you sweet
I love you Mama you sweet

80 year old Lucille Finley with her
105 year old mother

I love you Mama you sweet
I love you Mama you sweet
I love you Mama you sweet

With an ocean in my spirit
And cracks on my lips
And scars in my heart
And this burden on my hips

Ocean becomes heavy and tries
To push its way out
Through these ancient eyes
And the memories in my mouth

Ocean becomes tears
That ebb and flow
Over the lines in my face
And the pain in my soul

And pain hits a wall
And doesn't know which way to go
And ocean says I'm crying now
And tells pain to follow

Lucinda Williams' West, released February 13,2007

And pain courses through
Every vein, every limb
Trying to find a way out
Between the secrets in my skin

And secrets hold on
Until they finally give in
And they meet up with ocean
And tears again

And tears hand me a shovel
Saying break beneath the crust
That binds earthly skin
And buries all the trust

Somehow trust was caught
Between the cracks on my lips
And the scars in my heart
And this burden on my hips

I love you Mama you sweet

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