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[ 2007-06-24 11:03 ]

影片对白  You know where all the hits happen these days? In cars, man. Songs that make you feel good while you're driving your automobile.

文化面面观  Cadillac 凯迪拉克--豪华的历史


Contributions to the Automotive Industry

1960 Cadillac

Cadillac helped to define advanced engineering, luxury and style early in Automotive History and would come to be known as one of the world's finest made vehicles. Precision manufacturing of truly interchangeable parts was an award-winning industry first in 1908. Cadillac was the first manufacturer to release cars with a fully enclosed cab as factory equipment in 1910. Standard electric engine starting and lighting was another award winner for 1912. Cadillac introduced the first production V8 engine for the 1914 model year. Cadillac was the first manufacturer to utilize the skills of a designer to produce a car's body instead of an engineer (1927). This gave the public a car that looked as good as it performed. Cadillac's engineers were first to design a manual transmission with synchronizers for increased drivability (1929) and were instrumental in the early development of the automatic transmission, beginning in 1932. Cadillac offered a production V-16 engine from 1930 through 1940 and introduced the production independent wishbone front suspension in 1934. The marque introduced tailfins for 1948. From the late 1960s onward, Cadillac offered a fiber-optic indication system which alerted the driver of a failed light bulb.



1. I know what you cats are trying to do, and you can forget it. James Early ain't no street-corner punk looking for his first date. He's an established artist with a recording contract.

2. All I'm asking is one record, man. One song with a simple hook. "Look at me in my pretty car, makes me feel like a movie star." You know where all the hits happen these days? In cars, man. Songs that make you feel good while you're driving your automobile.

Dreamgirls《追梦女郎》(精讲之二)考考你 参考答案

1. 因为没有新的订单,他们被解雇了。
They were laid off because of the lack of new orders.

2. 我认为这个计划行不通。
I don't think this plan will work out.

3. 比尔为他导师的魅力折服有三年的时间,但渐渐地他的梦想破灭、离开了大学。
Bill sat at his mentor's feet for nearly three years, but he gradually became disillusioned and left the university.

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