在国外要慎用的8个英语单词 Eight English words you shouldn't use abroad
中国日报网 2014-04-14 16:25

3. Pissed 生气还是喝醉?

In America, we may get "pissed off" when we're angry, but the Brits and Irish who are "pissed" are extremely intoxicated. "Taking the piss," however, means "to make fun of," not "to get drunk."
Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand
在美国,我们生气时会说get pissed off,但是英国人和爱尔兰人如果说pissed,意思是烂醉如泥。不过taking the piss意思是“取笑”,而不是“喝醉”。