在国外要慎用的8个英语单词 Eight English words you shouldn't use abroad
中国日报网 2014-04-14 16:25

5. Knob 门把手还是生殖器?

Americans hear the word "knob" and think "doorknob" or "lever." It has a much dirtier meaning in other countries, like Australia and the U.K., where it's an insult or slang for a part of the male anatomy. Now you'll know to be offended if someone calls you a "knob head."
Avoid Using In: The U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa
美国人听到knob这个词想到的是“门把手”。但是在澳大利亚和英国等其他国家,knob的意思要“黄”得多。在那里knob指的是男子生殖器的一部分。现在你知道别人叫你knob head你应该是什么反应了吧。