中国日报网 2018-01-18 10:10

The Supreme People's Court issued a judicial interpretation on the Marriage Law on Wednesday, clarifying the division of debt.
该司法解释明确规定,夫妻双方共同签字或者夫妻一方事后追认等共同意思表示所负的债务(debts incurred by both the husband and the wife or acknowledged by a spouse thereafter),应当认定为夫妻共同债务(joint debts)。
夫妻一方在婚姻关系存续期间以个人名义为家庭日常生活需要所负的债务(debts incurred by a spouse for the family's daily needs during a marriage),债权人以属于夫妻共同债务为由主张权利的,人民法院应予支持。
夫妻一方在婚姻关系存续期间以个人名义超出家庭日常生活需要所负的债务(debts incurred by a spouse for use beyond the scope of the family's daily needs),债权人以属于夫妻共同债务为由主张权利的,人民法院不予支持,但债权人能够证明该债务用于夫妻共同生活、共同生产经营或者基于夫妻双方共同意思表示的除外(unless the creditor can prove the debt has been used for the family, common production or business or incurred with mutual consent)。
joint estate/common wealth/mutual property 共同财产
pre-marital property 婚前财产
prenuptial agreement 婚前协议
division of property 财产分割
divorce proceeding 离婚诉讼
divorce settlement 离婚协议书
forged debt 伪造债务
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)