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Government bodies will coordinate to promote real-name registrations and authentication on dating sites and crack down on marital fraud and other crimes related to matchmaking services, according to the guideline issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the National Health and Family Planning Commission.
婚恋诈骗,在英语中可以用marital fraud或者romance fraud/scam表示,多是假装以恋爱或结婚为由(involving feigned romantic intentions),赢得对方好感(gaining affection),然后骗取对方钱财的犯罪行为(using that goodwill to commit fraud)。
在网络无处不在的今天,越来越多单身男女通过网络婚恋平台(online dating platforms)寻找恋爱和结婚的对象,但是网络身份信息难辨真伪,让不少人身陷婚骗的漩涡。
《意见》指出将拓展青年婚恋线上线下服务平台(online and offline matchmaking service platform for the youth),整合民政部门、团组织、市场机构、社会组织的阵地和平台资源,打造一批便于青年参与、服务实效显著、有较高诚信度的婚恋公益服务平台(to build public matchmaking service platforms that are easy to use, highly efficient and trustworthy)。
同时,将协调推动工商、工信、公安、网监、机关职能等部门的协同联动,推动实名认证和实名注册(real-name registrations and authentication)在婚恋交友平台的严格执行,加强对个人用户信息保护(protection of personal information)的监督执法,依法整顿婚介服务市场(regulate the market of matchmaking services),严厉打击婚托、婚骗等违法婚介行为。
今年5月,共青团中央书记处常务书记贺军科表示,大龄未婚是中国青年迫切关注的重大问题。共青团将帮助青年人树立正确的婚恋观、家庭观(help the youth establish a correct view of marriage and family);联合青年组织,联合各种群团组织、社会组织多开展便于青年交流交往的活动,扩大青年人交流的圈子(carry out events and activities by cooperating with other social organizations in order to expand the youth’s social circles),为他们结交朋友创造更多的机会和条件;协调和推动政府有关部门,规范婚姻介绍和婚姻服务,打击婚恋介绍中虚假欺骗行为(coordinate relevant government departments to promote well-regulated matchmaking services and combat fraud),帮助青年人找到合意的伴侣。
而在今年4月印发的《中长期青年发展规划(2016-2025年)》也提出,要导青年树立文明、健康、理性的婚恋观(civilized, healthy and rational view of marriage and dating)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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