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中国日报网 2018-11-30 13:20


空军现代化建设 building of a modern air force

The building of a stronger modern air force is in line with the overall goal of building national defense and the armed forces, Lieutenant General Xu Anxiang, deputy commander of Chinese Air Force, said at a press conference.


第一步,到2020年基本跨入战略空军门槛,初步搭建起“空天一体、攻防兼备”战略空军架构(a strategic force that integrates aviation and space power, and strike and defense capabilities),构建以四代装备为骨干、三代装备为主体的武器装备体系(a weapons and equipment system where the fourth generation of equipment serves as backbone and the third generation of equipment as mainstay),不断增强基于信息系统的体系作战能力。

第二步,在实现2020年目标任务的基础上,进一步构建全新的空军军事力量体系,推进空军战略能力大幅提升(improve strategic capabilities);再用一段时间,全面实现空军军事理论、组织形态、军事人员、武器装备现代化(modernize its theory, organizational structure, service personnel, and weaponry),基本完成空军战略转型,到2035年初步建成现代化战略空军(the building of a modern and strategic air force will be basically completed by 2035),具备更高层次的战略能力。

第三步,到本世纪中叶全面建成世界一流战略空军(the air force will be fully transformed into a world-class force by mid-21st century),成为总体实力能够支撑大国地位和民族复兴的强大空天力量。

疫苗管理法 vaccine management law

The State Administration for Market Regulation released the draft of a vaccine management law to solicit public opinions.

《中华人民共和国疫苗管理法(征求意见稿)》(draft of a vaccine management law)由国家市场监督管理总局、国家药品监督管理局、国家卫生和健康委员会(National Medical Products Administration and National Health Commission)等部门共同起草。根据11日发布的《意见稿》及起草说明,意见反馈截止时间为11月25日。

《意见稿》共十一章,涵盖疫苗研制、生产、流通(research, production and distribution of vaccines)、预防接种各个环节,对疫苗监管的特殊要求作出具体规定。《意见稿》重点是加强疫苗上市监管,以及实施更加严格的生产管理。

在严惩违法行为(harsh penalties for violations)方面,对于情节特别严重的企业或个人,比如提交虚假申报资料、篡改生产记录(falsify manufacturing records)、对发现存在质量问题或其他潜在安全风险的产品未予以召回(fail to recall products sold after quality issues or other potential safety risks were discovered)等,除了追究刑事责任(be pursued for criminal liability),还拟被终身禁业。

《意见稿》将疫苗提高到了国家安全(national security)的位置,对接种者权益实施更全面的保护,而对违法企业或个人最高将处以货值金额10倍罚款的举措(face fines of up to 10 times the value of the products in question),堪称史上最严。

The draft makes clear the aim of the law is to ensure the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and regulate the vaccination process, so as to guarantee and promote public health.

国家药品监督管理局商在声明中指出,我国制定《疫苗管理法》是针对公众对于加强疫苗监管的关注做出的回应(in response to public concern over improving supervision of vaccines),同时也旨在消除长春长生生物科技有限责任公司相关案件所暴露出的诸多漏洞(eliminate loopholes exposed by the case involving Changchun Changsheng Bio-tech Co)。


校园欺凌 school bullying

The education sectors in south China's Guangdong province rolled out new guidelines on Monday, specifically defining offensive nicknames and online violence as school bullying.


其中,给他人起侮辱性绰号(offensive nicknames)、在社交媒体发表贬低或侮辱他人人格言论(social media posts derogating others)等行为,属于情节轻微的一般欺凌事件(slight bullying incidents)。

在社交媒体上传被欺凌者受欺凌图片(uploading pictures of bully victims to social media)、携带刀具等器械威胁或殴打被欺凌者(threatening with knives or beating bully victims)等属于恶劣范畴的严重欺凌事件(serious bullying incidents)。

The guidelines, which apply to all elementary, secondary and vocational schools in Guangdong, also require all schools to create committees to investigate and determine if a complaint constitutes school bullying within 10 days.

《办法》强调,政府部门职责落实不到位、学生欺凌问题突出的地区和单位,由本级人民政府给予通报、约谈、挂牌、督办、实施一票否决权制等方式进行领导责任追究(leading officials will be held accountable)。

政府部门和学校相关工作人员在学生欺凌事件发生后的处置存在失职渎职行为(dereliction of duty),因违纪违法应当承担责任的,依法给予相关责任人党纪政纪处分(disciplinary punishment);构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

监护人不依法履行监护职责(guardians who fail to fulfill duty of guardianship),将依法由其所在单位或村(居民)委会予以劝诫、制止;构成违反治安管理条例行为的,由公安机关给予行政处罚(administrative punishment)。

超算500强 top 500 supercomputers

China now holds over 45% of the world's top 500 supercomputers, as well as occupying 2 places in top 10, according to the 52nd edition of the supercomputer TOP500 list released in Dallas, Texas, Monday.

这份每半年发布一次的500强排行榜(biannual ranking of the top 500)显示,中美竞争激烈,虽然美国超算在运算速度上占据排行榜的前两位,但中国超算上榜总数仍居第一,数量比上期进一步增加,占全部上榜超算总量的45.4%。

“500强”官网发布的消息显示,美国制造的 “顶点”成为全球最快的超级计算机(US-built systems Summit was crowned the world's fastest supercomputer),其浮点运算速度达每秒14.35亿亿次(perform at 14.35 petaflops per second)。上期名列第三、由美能源部下属劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)开发的“山脊(Sierra)”,晋级亚军。中国超算“神威·太湖之光(Sunway TaihuLight)”和“天河二号(Tianhe-2A/MilkyWay-2)”分别位列第三和第四名。

尽管美国超算占据榜单前两位,但中国安装的超算数量继续增长,从半年前的206台增加到227台(the number of supercomputers installed in China increased from 206 in June to 227 now),而在美国安装的超算数量则下降至109台,创历史新低(decline to an all-time low of 109)。此外,这次榜单中10大超算生产商中有4家为中国企业(four out of 10 major supercomputer producers are Chinese companies)。联想集团公司上榜数量由上半年榜单的117台增长到此次的140台,连续两期蝉联超算500强榜单冠军。浪潮和中科曙光分列亚军和季军,分别是84台和57台。华为制造14台,位列第八。

人人网 Renren SNS

Renren Inc, regarded by many as China's Facebook, will dispose all assets in its social networking service (SNS) business for a cash consideration of $20 million, the company announced on Wednesday.


社交网络鼻祖人人公司宣布,其中国全资子公司(a China-incorporated subsidiary wholly controlled by Renren)北京千橡网景科技发展有限公司已同意将人人网及其社交网络服务相关业务的全部有形和无形资产(all tangible and intangible assets in www.renren.com and its related Renren SNS business)售予北京多牛互动传媒股份有限公司(以下简称“买方”)。

此外,作为上述资产出售对价的一部分,Infinities Technology(Cayman)Holding Limited即“买方母公司(the buyer's parent company)”,同意按照双方认可的7亿美元买方母公司估值向人人公司发行相当于4000万美元的股份(issue to Renren shares of the company with a value of $40 million)。

人人网最初于2005年推出,原名校内网,是中国大陆地区最早的社交网络之一(one of the first social networks on the Chinese mainland)。“校内网”时期主要以学生作为目标用户(target users),为了扩大目标用户的范围,校内网更名为“人人网”。不过伴随中国的微博、微信朋友圈(WeChat Moments)的兴起,人人网活跃度也开始下降,如今的人人网已经转型为直播平台(streaming platform)。

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