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中国日报网 2018-11-30 13:20


改革开放40周年纪念币 commemorative coins celebrating the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening-up

The set consists of 7 coins: 1 gold commemorative coin, 5 silver commemorative coins and 1 double-color copper alloy commemorative coin, all of which are the legal currency of the People's Republic of China.

“纪念币”用英文commemorative coins 表示,是一个国家为纪念国际或本国的政治、历史、文化等方面的重大事件、杰出人物、 名胜古迹、珍稀动植物、体育赛事等而发行的纪念硬币,一般为精制,限量发行。Commemorative表示纪念性的,如纪念柱(commemorative column)、纪念邮票(commemorative stamp)、纪念金币(commemorative gold coin)等。


俞敏洪 Yu Minhong

Yu Minhong, founder of New Oriental Education and Technology Group, apologized for saying that the degeneration of Chinese women has led to the degeneration of the whole country-comments that have raised heated discussion online since Sunday.



“如果中国所有的女生找男人的标准,都是这个男人会背唐诗宋词(the poetry of Tang Dynasty and the iambic verses of Song Dynasty),那全中国所有的男人都会把唐诗宋词背的滚瓜烂熟。如果说所有的女生都说,中国男人就是要他赚钱(gain a fortune),至于说他良心好不好我不管(do not care if they are good people),那所有的中国男人都会变成良心不好但是赚钱很多的男人。这正是中国现代女生挑选男人的标准(the current standard for Chinese women picking men)。

Therefore, that's why we often say that women determine whether the country is good or not. And now the degeneration of Chinese women has led to the degeneration of the whole country.

此番言论在网友中引起了轩然大波(cause a stir among netizens),也引发了各界的口诛笔伐。


Today, when I tried to explain during a forum how the direction of evaluation determines the direction of education, I used the analogy of women's standards in looking for a husband. Because of my poor analogy, I caused misunderstanding among netizens, about which I'm very sorry.

What I wanted to say was that the level of women in a country represents the level of the country. Well-educated women and mothers can cultivate well-educated children.

Men are also guided by women's values. If women pursue an intellectual life, men will become more intelligent. If women care only about money, men will strive to make more money and ignore the cultivation of their spirit. If women are strong, then men are strong, then the country is strong.


社会信用 social credit

The plan clarifies that the Beijing Municipal Social Credit Regulations will be completed by the end of 2020, and a credit system covering all permanent residents will be established in order to speed up the construction of a "good faith" model city.

行动计划要求完善信用联合奖惩机制。2020年底前建成覆盖全部常住人口的北京“个人诚信分”工程(individual credit system),大力推动信用信息在市场准入(market access)、公共服务(public services)、旅游出行(tourism and transportation)、创业求职(business startup and job hunting)等领域广泛应用。为守信者提供便利措施和激励措施(favorable policies)。

完善信用黑名单制度(credit blacklist system),定期公开公示企业和个人失信记录(the dishonest behavior of enterprises and individuals),形成“一处失信、处处受限、寸步难行”的失信惩戒格局,让违法违规失信者付出沉重代价。

此外,行动计划还提出要打造诚信政府(build a "good faith government"),加强项目投资(project investment)、政府采购(government procurement)、招标投标(bidding process)、社会管理(social management)等重点领域政务诚信建设,对依法作出的政策承诺和签订的各类合同要认真履约和兑现,坚决杜绝“新官不理旧账”现象。

2014年,国务院印发《社会信用体系建设规划纲要(2014—2020年)》,纲要指出,社会信用体系(social credit system)是社会主义市场经济体制和社会治理体制的重要组成部分(an important component of the Socialist market economy system and the social governance system)。它以法律、法规、标准和契约为依据(founded on laws, regulations, standards and charters),以健全覆盖社会成员的信用记录和信用基础设施网络为基础(based on a complete network covering the credit records of members of society and credit infrastructure),以信用信息合规应用和信用服务体系为支撑(supported by the lawful application of credit information and a credit services system)的诚信意识和信用水平。

人工智能教材 artificial intelligence (AI) textbook

China's first artificial intelligence (AI) textbook series designed for primary and secondary school students is expected to debut in 2019.

这套“AI上未来智造者”丛书计划出版10册,目前已出版6册。分别为《AI上神奇动物》、《AI上智慧生活(smart life)》、《AI在变形工坊》、《AI上萌宠“小E”》、《AI超级工程师(super engineers)》、《AI的幕后英雄(behind-the-scene hero)——Python》,其余4册《AI在未来小镇》《AI在奇妙世界》《AI超级设计师》《AI的应用与探索》将于2019年上半年出版。

全国共有数百所中小学将引入这套丛书作为选修课(elective courses)或校本课程(school-based curriculum),其中上海嘉定、云南昆明的百余所中小学将成为首批“优必选AI教育示范校”,2019年春季开学后正式使用,上海闵行、杨浦、静安、黄浦、宝山等区的多所学校也将陆续使用这套丛书教材。

丛书主编、华东师范大学课程与教学研究所王吉庆教授说,丛书结合我国中小学校人工智能教育实施现状,是由众多教育界学者、人工智能领域技术专家、教育部门管理者、一线科技教师合力打造的小初高贯通式课程体系。课程根据不同学段学生认知能力(cognitive skills)和知识积累情况的差异,有针对性地组织课程内容。

Each has its own theme with 12 to 14 main chapters and 2 to 4 chapters of activities. This series covers the educational demands of students from primary school to high school on AI and provides a systematic framework of AI knowledge.

强制退市 compulsory delisting

The Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange recently issued compulsory delisting rules for companies that seriously violate the law, and revised the regulations on relisting of companies.

退市(delisting)指上市公司由于未满足交易所有关财务等其他上市标准而主动或被动终止上市的情形,具体可分为主动退市(voluntary delisting)和被动(强制)退市(compulsory delisting)。

新规明确了4种重大违法退市情形,即首发上市欺诈发行(IPO fraud)、重组上市欺诈发行(fraud in listing after restructuring)、年报造假规避退市(annual report falsification to avoid delisting)以及交易所认定的其他情形。

此外,根据证监会7月27日发布的《关于修改 <关于改革完善并严格实施上市公司退市制度的若干意见> 的决定》,新增涉及国家安全(national security)、公共安全(public security)、生态安全(ecological security)、生产安全(production security)和公众健康安全(public health security)等领域的重大违法行为,应予退市的规定。

对于在市场入口即违法的欺诈发行公司,违法行为恶性较大(serious violation)、反响强烈(causing public outcry),新规不再给予其重新上市的机会(deny access to the stock market);

其他重大违法退市的公司需要在股转公司挂牌转让满5个完整会计年度方可申请重新上市(apply for relisting after five fiscal years of listing transfer)。

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