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中国日报网 2019-11-01 10:09


食品安全 food safety


The national food safety campaign applies the "most rigorous standards" and requires the "strictest" supervision over the food sector and the "harshest" penalties and accountability for violations.


Food security强调的是确保人们都能得到维持健康生活所需要的粮食,主要跟粮食的供应和人们获取的渠道有关,我们称为“粮食安全”;而food safety强调的是确保人们吃进嘴里的食物在生产、存储和销售等环节都符合卫生健康标准,即“食品安全”。


发生在校园及其周边、餐饮聚集区、种养殖生产基地、农村和城乡接合部、物流中心等区域的案件(cases in and around schools, food markets, planting and breeding production bases, urban-rural junction areas and logistics centers);

呈现规模化、组织化、链条化的案件(cases that are committed by organizations);

涉及婴幼儿食品和药品的案件(cases involving medicines, food for infants and children);

利用网络、电商平台、社交媒体、电视购物栏目等实施的案件(cases involving the Internet, e-commerce platforms, social media and TV shopping programs);

人民群众反映强烈、社会影响恶劣、舆论高度关注的案件(cases that draw wide attention and have bad social influences)等。

专项行动将落实“处罚到人”,对违法犯罪企业及其法定代表人(legal person)、实际控制人(actual controller)、主要负责人(person in charge)等直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员进行追责,实行从业禁止(prohibition of employment in the industry for a certain period of time)、终身禁业(lifelong employment ban in the industry)。

世界互联网大会 World Internet Conference


The achievements, selected by a group of 39 experts from around the world, cover artificial intelligence, 5G, cloud computing, digital manufacturing, industrial internet and other internet-related fields.

“世界互联网领先科技成果发布活动”旨在展现全球互联网领域最新科技成果,弘扬互联网技术创新、绿色、包容和共享理念(innovative, green, inclusive and shared perception),彰显互联网领域从业者的非凡贡献,搭建全方位的创新交流平台。

这15项成果包括:鲲鹏920处理器(Huawei's Kunpeng 920 processor)、面向通用人工智能的异构融合天机芯片(hybrid Tianjic architecture towards artificial general intelligence)、统一自然语言预训练模型与机器阅读理解(machine reading comprehension)、特斯拉完全自动驾驶芯片(Tesla's full self-driving chip)、飞桨深度学习平台(deep learning platform Paddle Paddle)、智慧企业的AI创新与深入应用(in-depth application of AI in intelligent enterprises)等。


These achievements have given or will give a strong impetus to human life, scientific and technological progress, economic development and social transformation.

The internet turns 50 years old in 2019. The development of the internet has pushed human society into the intelligent era of comprehensive perception, reliable transmission, intelligent processing and accurate decision-making. Foreseeing these changes is the purpose for the release of the world’s leading internet scientific and technological achievements. It also enables internet users to continuously explore their own potential and build confidence and strength to face a more exciting and challenging future, Wu added.


2019年10月20日至22日,第六届世界互联网大会在浙江省桐乡市乌镇举行。大会主题为“智能互联 开放合作——携手共建网络空间命运共同体(Intelligent Interconnection for Openness and Cooperation: Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace)”。本次大会将聚集“科学与技术”、“产业与经济”、“人文与社会”、“合作与治理”四大重点板块,共设20个分论坛(20 sub-forums),秉持开放、平等、互信、共赢的理念,邀请全球互联网领军人物及重量级嘉宾共同探讨与回应当前国际社会对5G、人工智能、物联网等新技术、新业态发展的深度关切。

未成年人保护法 Minors Protection Law


In a new chapter named "Internet Protection", legislators began by giving a nod to minors' proper internet use. The 11-clause chapter lays out duties for governments, schools, parents and digital service providers as to their responsibilities in navigating youngsters through cyberspace.


Minor这个词用法很多,可以用作动词、名词和形容词。在法律上,minor指未满18岁的人,即“未成年人”。在学校里,minor可以指“辅修(课程)”或者“辅修生”,与major(专业)相对,比如,I'm minoring in computer science./Computer science is my minor.(我辅修计算机科学。)用作形容词的时候,minor也是与major相对的,表示“次要的、轻微的、小的”,比如,She played a number of minor roles in films.(她在电影里扮演过一些小角色。)

草案规定,学校、社区、图书馆、文化馆、青少年宫等场所为未成年人提供的公益性互联网上网服务设施,应当安装未成年人上网保护软件(install software to protect minors from harmful information)。

国家鼓励和支持有利于未成年人健康成长的网络内容的创作与传播,鼓励和支持专门以未成年人为服务对象、适合未成年人身心发展特点的网络技术、设备、产品、服务的研发、生产和使用(develope technologies, devices and services tailored to children's needs)。

Service providers were ordered to offer designs that will allow parents or other guardians to monitor children's time and money spent on online platforms and stop them from internet addiction.

The chapter forbids threats, insults and attacks of minors in written, visual or audio forms and empowered parents and other guardians to demand service providers to remove such content.

巴黎奥运会徽 emblem for Paris 2024 Olympics



Paris 2024 has unveiled new shared Olympic and Paralympic Games emblem following an innovative launch ceremony, which saw over 700 runners led by Olympic and Paralympic medallists run different routes around the center of Paris and Saint-Seine-Denis, forming the outline of the new Paris 2024 emblem.

The new design brings together three iconic symbols connected to sport, the Games and France - the gold medal, the Olympic and Paralympic flames, and Marianne.


The medal, a symbol of sport. In adopting the shape and the color of the most precious form of sporting recognition of them all, the emblem expresses one of sport's core values: striving for excellence.

The flame, an icon of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement. Handed over from Games to Games, the flame links nations and generations.

And Marianne, the image of France. She encapsulates the generosity, boldness and creativity that inspires the Paris 2024 Games. Her face is also a nod to history and female athletes, who were first allowed to compete in the Olympics at the 1900 Games in Paris.

巴黎2024年奥运会和残奥会将使用同样的标志作为会徽(the emblem will be the same for the Olympic and Paralympic Games),这在历史上还是第一次,体现了巴黎奥组委希望用同样理念和标准举办奥运会和残奥会的决心。

第三代杂交水稻 the third generation hybrid rice

由“杂交水稻之父”袁隆平团队研发的第三代杂交水稻10月21日至22日首次公开测产(the first public yield monitoring)。



The final yield of the tested variety, G3-1S/P19, came to 1,046.3 kg per mu (about 667 square meters), based on two plots of land in Qingzhu Village under the city of Hengyang in central China's Hunan province.

Experts agreed that the rice has a stout stem, fertilizer tolerance, lodging resistance, large spike and more grains.


Yield这个词可以用作名词和动词,表示“产量、收益”或者“屈服、投降、退让”等意思,比如:yield to someone/something(屈服于某人或某事),yield to impulse(一时冲动),yield to pressure(屈服于压力);yield a profit(获得收益),lucrative yield(丰厚的收益),average annual yield(平均年产量)等。


Unlike the previous two generations that required a large amount of water and fertilizers as well as demanding growing conditions and technological support, the third-generation hybrid rice is easier to be cultivated by ordinary farmers.

One of the most important characteristics of the third-generation hybrid rice is that it has a shorter growing period. Some previous high-yielding hybrid rice varieties in China took 160 to even 180 days from sowing to harvesting, while the figure was shortened to around 125 days for the new variety.


A shorter growth period can reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, thus reducing cost and improving production efficiency.


China now feeds around 20 percent of the world's population with less than 9 percent of the world's arable land.

Yuan, who developed the world's first hybrid rice in the 1970s, has set multiple world records in hybrid rice yields in previous years, making great contributions to the food security of China and the world.



The third-generation hybrid rice has the comprehensive strength to promote a greener and more sustainable development of China's rice production with higher quality and yield.

无锡桥梁坍塌 collapse of an overpass in Wuxi

The collapse of an overpass in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, which killed three and injured two, was caused by heavily-overloaded vehicles, according to the transport authority.


这里的overpass指修建在道路、铁路等上方的通行道路,我们一般称为“高架桥”或“跨桥”,在英式英语中被称为flyover;而我们常见的bridge则多指架设在河流、山谷等自然障碍物的两侧,使其得以通行的道路,即“桥梁”。大城市里常见的各种高架桥及道路组合而成的“立交桥”则叫做stack interchange或者butterfly junction。



The bridge was constructed in 2005 and passed the acceptance check in 2007. The main body of the bridge is complete without any breakage or transverse cracks, and its design meets relevant standards.

A preliminary investigation suggests that an overweight semitrailer passing over the bridge caused the overpass to tip to one side. The investigation of the accident is ongoing.

下一步,交通运输部(the Ministry of Transport)将会同有关部门深刻剖析事故原因,及时进行事故警示,改进安全管理措施(improve safety management),加强重点领域、重点环节安全监管,确保同类事故悲剧不再重演(make sure that tragedy like this won't happen again)。

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