为了促进对中贸易 威尔士的中学生要开始学汉语了 Schools in Wales 'could teach Mandarin' to boost trade
中国日报网 2020-01-14 11:25


Agence Olloweb/unsplash
Mandarin could be taught in Welsh secondary schools in a bid to raise Wales' international profile.
The Welsh Government wants to establish the country as a visitor destination for Chinese people as part of its new strategy to boost trade.
It is also looking to have a "Wales in Germany" themed year in 2021, and have an increased presence in EU countries.
International relations minister Eluned Morgan said she wanted to sell Wales to the world.
Welsh businesses sold more than £17bn of goods abroad in 2018 and at present 60% of those exports go to the EU, with Germany as the top destination.
But after Brexit, ministers want "to ensure that the European Union remains our strongest partner" as well as developing markets elsewhere. Its goal is a 5% increase in exports.
To make that happen, the Welsh Government has launched a new international strategy to focus on three areas - cyber-security, compound semi-conductors, and creative industries - chosen in part for their "resilience to Brexit" and because of their "global recognition as areas of excellence".
resilience [rɪˈzɪliəns]:n.恢复力;弹力;顺应力
In its report, it also listed a number of ideas, including:
Raise Wales' profile by exploring the feasibility of teaching Mandarin in secondary schools as part of a long-term vision to establish the country as a visitor destination for the Chinese market
Work with education institutions to increase the number of international students studying in Wales
Hold a "Wales in Germany" themed year in 2021
Working with existing networks to build a global Welsh Diaspora social network of 500,000 people, focusing in the first year on the USA and Japan and use cultural and sporting events to "open doors" in difficult markets
Promoting Wales as the "go-to nation" for advice on minority language development
go-to[ˈɡoʊ tuː]:adj.(为解决某个问题或做某件事情的)必找的(人);(为找到某件物品或服务的)必去的(地方)
Ms Morgan said she was "anxious" to change the Welsh Government's relationship with the UK government to help sell Wales abroad, adding they wanted the best possible Brexit deal and would be "constructive partners".