中国日报网 2020-03-11 14:11


Via a mobile app, each resident of Hubei province will be granted a colored health QR code. A red code indicates the holder is a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case, a yellow one indicates a close contact, while a green one means the holder has no contact with any cases.
健康码(health QR code)是一个开放的系统,可根据不同地区需求,结合各地疫情防控需要快速推出,以最高效的方式实现应用。2月11日,杭州在全国率先推出健康码,用“红黄绿”三色二维码作为数字化健康证明(digital health certificate),助力疫情防控。
The green code holders from the medium- and low-risk areas will be given green light across the province to promote operation resumption of enterprises while ensuring the safety of the personnel, according to a circular issued by the provincial COVID-19 control headquarters. The green code holders from high-risk areas should follow the specific travel rules of local authorities.
The yellow code holders will not be allowed to travel and those carrying red codes must be quarantined and treated, said the headquarters.
The colors of the health codes may switch based on the health conditions of the holders.
Cities, counties and districts with no newly confirmed cases in the last 14 days are categorized as low-risk regions, those with fewer than 50 cases or those with over 50 but without a concentrated outbreak are classified as medium-risk regions, and those with over 50 cases as well as a concentrated outbreak are classified as high-risk regions.
差异化精准防控策略 precise and differentiated epidemic control strategies
复工复产 resumption of work and production
实现今年经济社会发展目标 achieve this year's targets for economic and social development
社区疫情防控 community-based epidemic prevention and control
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)