每日一词∣雄安新区起步区 start-up area of Xiongan New Area
中国日报网 2020-04-02 10:45

The start-up area will be part of the Xiongan city proper, which will cover 198 square km. Designed for taking over Beijing's functions nonessential to its role as the national capital, the city proper will be a new home for Beijing's colleges, research institutes, hospitals, business headquarters, and financial and public institutions.

The establishment of the Xiongan New Area is a strategy crucial for a millennium to come. The new area is supposed to showcase prospective and leading new ideas in both planning and construction.
We will relieve Beijing of functions nonessential to its role as the capital and use this effort to drive the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region; and we will develop forward-looking plans and adopt high standards for building the Xiongan New Area.
coordinated regional development strategy
city clusters
coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region
integrated urban and rural development