中国日报网 2020-04-20 14:49


Beijing will allow commuters from the neighboring regions of Hebei province and Tianjin to apply for the health status of "no sign of abnormality" in its health mini-program to facilitate their commute, said Li Sufang, deputy head of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform.
“北京健康宝”是一个方便个人查询自身防疫相关健康状态(health status)的小工具,所有在京及进(返)京人员均可使用。查询结果包含“集中观察(concentrated observation)”、“居家观察(home-based observation)”以及“未见异常(no sign of abnormality)”三种状态,分别用红色、黄色以及绿色进行标识。

Those who will be granted the status of "no sign of abnormality" should have stayed in low-risk areas in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region for the last 14 days, are not confirmed cases, suspected cases, close contacts or silent carriers recorded by national or local health authorities, and not under home-based or concentrated observation.
在便利商务出行方面,天津、河北以外省市低风险地区来京出差人员,按照北京市酒店入住管理的相关措施,持有7日内核酸检测阴性证明(negative result of nucleic acid test within 7 days),或在酒店进行核酸检测呈阴性并接受酒店健康管理,入住酒店后,依据酒店入住登记信息,可通过“健康宝”申请健康状态。
健康码 health QR code
复工复产 resume work and production
差异化精准防控策略 precise and differentiated epidemic control strategies
数字化健康证明 digital health certificate
出行轨迹 travel records
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)