全国已有超1亿学生返校复课 复学比例近四成
中国日报网 2020-05-13 16:32


More than 100 million students have resumed classes in Chinese schools as of Monday, accounting for 39 percent of all the students nationwide, from kindergartens to universities, the Ministry of Education said.
In most of China's provincial-level regions, universities, secondary vocational schools, middle schools and primary schools are resuming classes, according to the ministry.
随着新冠肺炎国内疫情缓解,各地都开始进入复工复产复学阶段,而resume这个词恰恰就表示“(中断后)重新开始,继续;恢复(席位,地位或职位)”等意思,其名词形式为resumption比如:resume production/production resumption(复产)、resume class/class resumption(复课)、resume normal life/resumption of normal life(恢复正常生活)等。当然了,做过英文简历的同学大概都知道resume这个词作为名词的时候还表示“个人简历”,这一层意思来自于法语词résumé(简要总结)。
教育部应对新冠肺炎疫情工作领导小组办公室主任、 体育卫生与艺术教育司司长王登峰介绍,
Strict epidemic control measures will stay following class resumption in schools, our goal is to facilitate students' return to schools to the utmost while epidemic control rules are well implemented.
We will classify every single person accurately-for example, those who have returned from overseas, people released from hospitals, asymptomatic cases and those from areas with high risks of infection-to make sure that everyone entering the campuses is healthy.
We now have very specific regulations over social distancing among students and teachers and are endeavoring to set up a mechanism to supervise their health conditions and to trace their attendance.
常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control
保持社交距离 social distancing
实行封闭式管控 to exercise management by sealing off entities
恢复生产生活秩序 to resume work and normal life
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)