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中国日报网 2020-05-31 10:00


视频连线 video link


Given the need for continued COVID-19 containment, the meeting called for adopting new ways for taking in views and suggestions of national legislators and political advisors, including via video-link, phone calls and the internet. These views and suggestions would help the government to learn more about the situation on the ground, especially the hopes of market players and the general public.


Officials of government departments concerned will attend through video link the break-out sessions of NPC deputies to deliberate on the government work report. The departments are required to study carefully and provide feedback to the views and suggestions within their respective purview.

The meeting directed each government department to set up a special task force headed by its leading official and a hot-line for national legislators and political advisors operated by designated staff members. Content of these calls should be duly taken down and the subject matters addressed and responded to before the two sessions close.

The State Council General Office is required to comb through the minutes of the meetings of national legislators and political advisors and carefully study all the views and suggestions concerning the government work. Where actions are called for, the General Office should swiftly bring the relevant issues to the attention of the competent departments, and see to it that replies are made.


高校毕业生直招士官 recruiting university graduates for non-commissioned officer roles


China's military is recruiting university graduates for non-commissioned officer roles for the first time, according to the recruiting office of the Ministry of National Defense. Online applications will open at the agency's official website www.gfbzb.gov.cn on Friday for those who wish to be enlisted into the armed forces.

据了解,士官招收专业涉及计算机、道路运输(road transport)、自动化(automation)、通信(communications)、机电设备(electromechanical equipment)、机械设计制造(mechanical design and manufacturing)、医学技术(medical technology)、语言(language studies)等专业。招收对象为普通高校毕业生(college graduates),所学专业符合今年部队提报的岗位需求,优先招收高校应届毕业生(fresh college graduates)。


The non-commissioned officers will be recruited simultaneously with the recruitment of compulsory service personnel this year. This will be running from Aug 1 to Sept 30.


我军现役士兵按兵役性质分为义务兵役制士兵和志愿兵役制士兵。义务兵役制士兵称为义务兵(compulsory serviceman),志愿兵役制士兵称为士官(non-commissioned officer)。士官属于士兵军衔序列,但不同于义务兵役制士兵,是士兵中的骨干。义务兵实行供给制,发给津贴(allowance),士官实行工资制(pay plans)和定期增资制度(regular pay rise)。目前部队面向高校毕业生既招收士官,也招收义务兵,这是两个不同兵役性质的士兵系列。(来源:全国征兵网)

心形纪念币 heart-shaped commemorative coins



The set includes six coins: two gold, three silver and one gold-silver bimetallic, all legal tender, the People's Bank of China said on its website.

Chinese characters Jixiang, meaning auspiciousness, dominates the obverse of the coins, while the reverse sides are decorated with traditional patterns such as cranes, lilies and goldfish, all symbols of auspiciousness and fortune.

值得注意的是,6枚纪念币中有心形纪念币(heart-shaped commemorative coins)两枚,3克心形金质纪念币背面图案为新娘、百合、窗棂等组合图案,并刊“百年好合”字样及面额;30克心形银质纪念币背面图案为百合与同心锁等组合图案,并刊“百年好合”字样及面额。

平均工资 average salary


In non-private sectors, urban employees' inflation-adjusted real growth of the average salary rose by 6.8 percent to 90,501 yuan, according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics.

In private sectors, the annual average salary stood at 53,604 yuan, up 5.2 percent year on year after deducting price factors.

国家统计局人口和就业统计司副司长孟灿文说,2019年,我国经济运行总体平稳、稳中有进(achieve stability with steady progress),就业形势保持稳定(stable employment situation),全国城镇单位就业人员平均工资稳步增长。


在非私营单位中,共有6个行业年平均收入超过10万元,包括信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业(information transmission, software and information technology service),金融业(finance),科学研究和技术服务业(scientific research and technology service),卫生和社会工作(health and social work),电力、热力、燃气及水生产供应业(power, heat, gas and water supply),文化、体育和娱乐业(culture, sport and recreation sector)。


Employees engaging in scientific research, higher education and information sectors saw steady rises in their average wage, while workers related to public services and consumption upgrade witnessed faster salary raises.

量化指标 quantitative targets


国内生产总值 GDP

The 2019 government work report set a target of 6 to 6.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) growth from the previous year.

Last year, China's GDP reached 99.09 trillion yuan (about 13.98 trillion U.S. dollars), up 6.1 percent from the previous year, in line with the annual target.


就业 employment

The report aimed to create more than 11 million urban jobs in 2019 and keep the registered urban unemployment rate within 4.5 percent.

Both targets were met, as about 13.52 million urban jobs were created last year and the registered urban unemployment rate stood at 3.62 percent.

减税降费 tax cut and fee reduction

The report proposed axing businesses' burden in taxes and social security payment by nearly 2 trillion yuan in 2019. It also aimed to bring the tax rate down to 13 percent from 16 percent in sectors such as manufacturing.

Last year's tax cut and fee reduction exceeded 2.3 trillion yuan, and the 16-percent tax rate in industries such as manufacturing went down to 13 percent.

民生 people's livelihood

The report aimed to lift more than 10 million rural people out of poverty, build and renovate 200,000 kilometers of rural roads, and cut the average charge for mobile network traffic by more than 20 percent.

In 2019, China lifted 11.09 million rural people out of poverty, built and renovated 290,000 kilometers of rural roads, and cut the average charge for mobile network traffic by 41 percent from the previous year.

环保 environmental protection

The report set targets that emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides will drop by 3 percent, while chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions will shrink by 2 percent in 2019.

It turned out that the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides went down by 4.4 percent and 3.5 percent respectively, while chemical oxygen demand and ammonia nitrogen emissions shrank by 3.2 percent and 3.3 percent respectively last year from the previous year.

38项指标任务还包括中央财政一般性支出(the general expenditure of the central government)压减5%以上、“三公”经费( spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality)再压减3%左右等,这些任务均已完成。

行李全流程跟踪 whole-journey luggage tracking


China has started a pilot project for whole-journey luggage tracking systems at six major airports, according to the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC). These airports include Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing Daxing International Airport, and Shanghai Hongqiao, Guangzhou Baiyun, Shenzhen Bao'an and Chongqing Jiangbei airports.


在机场提取行李的时候,我们经常会看到baggage claim或者luggage claim这样的标识牌,由此可见这两个词在表示“行李”的时候是可以互相替换使用的,只不过baggage这个词在美式英语中更加常用。此外,baggage这个词还可以用来表示无形的“精神包袱”,比如,emotional baggage(情绪负担)、personal baggage(个人负担)等,而luggage则没有这一层意思。

目前,旅客可以通过上述试点机场官方APP、微信小程序、航显屏和自助查询机等多种途径,对进出港行李进行全程追踪(whole-journey tracking)。旅客只要通过输入行李牌号码、身份证号或扫描行李条码等方式,便可查询到托运(check-in)、安检(security check)、分拣(sorting)、装车运输(truck loading)、装机(aircraft loading)、到达(luggage arrival)等多个行李节点,实时掌握行李轨迹(realtime tracking)。


According to a three-step plan, by the end of 2021, the CAAC will push forward the application of whole-journey luggage tracking on all domestic air routes in mega airports with an annual passenger throughput of at least 10 million. By the end of 2025, the service will be applied on all domestic air routes, and extend to some international routes, according to the plan.

As of mid-May, three air routes and six major airports across the country were capable of providing services for passengers to track luggage during their whole journey, said the CAAC.

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