更多改革自主权 深圳综合改革试点方案出炉
中国日报网 2020-10-12 10:47


Supporting Shenzhen to pilot the comprehensive authorized reform measures is another significant step to advance the city's opening-up in the new era and a key move in building a pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, said the document.
In 2020, major reform measures are expected to be taken in the spheres of market-based allocation of production factors, business environment optimization, and the utilization of urban space, while a list specifying the first batch of authorized matters shall be formulated and implemented.
In 2022, significant institutional achievements that can be replicated and promoted shall be made in all relevant aspects.
In 2025, landmark achievements shall be scored, with the pilot reform tasks basically completed and providing an essential paradigm for institutional building throughout the country.
To further optimize business environment, the plan said that the special economic zone will draw up a list of special measures to relax restrictions on sectors including energy, telecommunication, public service, transport and education based on the nationwide negative list.
Greater efforts will be made to further loosen limits on foreign investment in cutting-edge technologies, and improve the system of fair competition, the document said.
The city will pilot the legal protection of new intellectual property rights (IPR), establish a compensation system for IPR infringements, and explore legislation in emerging areas.
Shenzhen will also help foreign talent obtain Chinese permanent residence permits and attend professional qualification examinations.
Opening-up in the finance and shipping industries will be strengthened, with more efforts to advance the renminbi internationalization and improve the foreign exchange management system.
Foreign institutions will be encouraged to set up securities and fund management companies in the city, the document said.
经济特区 special economic zone
中国特色社会主义先行示范区 a demonstration pilot area of socialism with Chinese characteristics
要素市场化配置 market-based allocation of production factors
优化营商环境 optimize business environment
更多改革自主权 greater autonomy to carry out reforms
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)