2021年中央一号文件公布 提出全面推进乡村振兴
中国日报网 2021-02-22 10:48

21世纪以来第18个指导“三农”工作的中央一号文件《中共中央 国务院关于全面推进乡村振兴加快农业农村现代化的意见》2月21日发布。

During the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), the Communist Party of China will regard work concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers as its top priority, said the document.
"China will make the comprehensive advancement of rural vitalization a major task in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and will speed up the modernization of agriculture and the countryside with the efforts of the whole Party and society," according to the document.
中央一号文件(No. 1 central document)指中共中央每年发布的第一份文件(the first policy statement released by central authorities each year)。中共中央在2004年至2021年连续十八年发布以“三农”(农业、农村、农民)为主题的中央一号文件,强调了“三农”问题(issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers)在中国社会主义现代化时期“重中之重”的地位。
This year, the country will keep its sown areas stable, with the grain output to exceed 650 billion kg, further improve the quality of agricultural products and food safety, and ensure that the growth of farmers' incomes outpaces that of urban residents, said the document.
The country will also start implementing the plan on the modernization of agriculture and the countryside, and further promote reforms in rural areas.
By 2025, China will see substantial progress in the modernization of agriculture and the countryside, with achievements seen for a more solid agricultural foundation, a narrower income gap between rural and urban residents, and basically realizing agricultural modernization where conditions permit, said the document.
China will set a five-year transition period for counties that have shaken off poverty and gradually shift the policy focus from poverty alleviation toward comprehensively promoting rural vitalization.
The country will continue to consolidate poverty alleviation outcomes, promote rural vitalization in areas that have shaken off poverty, and strengthen assistance for low-income rural residents on a regular basis, said the document.
The document stresses the country's ability to ensure the supply of grain and major agricultural products, including stabilizing the sown area of grain and improving the yield per unit area, accelerating the building of a modern breeding system, promoting green and healthy aquaculture, and optimizing the trade of agricultural products.
The protection, development and utilization of agricultural germplasm resources should be strengthened and the implementation of major scientific and technological projects in agricultural biological breeding should be accelerated.
The document emphasizes that the country must retain a "red line" of 1.8 billion mu (120 million hectares) of arable land. The construction of 100 million mu of high-standard farmland with high and stable yields regardless of drought and flood will be complete this year.
这里的red line也可以写作redline,指“a recommended safety limit”(安全线),也就是说,耕地面积如果低于这个水平,就可能会危及粮食安全。此外,在谈判或交战的情况下,red line也可以表示某一方能够容忍的最大限度,即“底线”,常用的搭配是cross a red line,比如:The use of chemical weapons in the conflict will cross a red line and trigger immediate intervention(冲突中使用化学武器是越线行为,会立即触发干涉行为)。
Efforts should also be made to strengthen the support provided to modern agriculture by science, technology and equipment, to establish agricultural modernization demonstration zones, with the total number to reach about 500 by 2025, and to advance the green development of agriculture, according to the document.
China will vigorously implement an action plan for rural construction, setting targets for better rural public infrastructure and basic public services, stronger rural consumption, and faster integrated urban-rural development within counties, among others, according to the document.
issues relating to agriculture, rural areas and farmers
modernization of agriculture and rural areas
rural vitalization
rural governance
rural construction
agricultural modernization demonstration zones
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)