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Sleepless in Seattle 西雅图夜未眠(精讲之四)
[ 2006-07-03 10:32 ]







Becky: So then what happened?

Annie: So then I left, obviously.

Becky: You were standing in the middle of a street?

Annie: You know that dream where you're walking down the street naked and everyone is looking at you?

Becky: I love that dream.

Annie:That was nothing compared tothis humiliation. Nothing.

Becky: But he saw you, right?

Annie: He saw me.

Becky: You were face to face.

Annie: He said "Hello".

Becky: He said "Hello", and what did you say? 

Annie: All I could say was "hello".

Becky: Oh my God.

Woman on television: All I could say was "hello".

Becky:It's a sign.

Annie: It's a sign that I have watched this movie too many times. Such stupid... From the minute I listened to that stupid girl's show on the radio. I've been a completejerk.

Becky: You are not a jerk.

Annie: Thank you. I'm an idiot.

Becky: You don't know who she was, Annie.

Annie: I saw her. I have a picture of her. I'll show you a picture of her. That detective in Seattle sent me a picture of her. Here. See. Huh? That's exactly what she looks like.

Becky: This is a picture of someone's back.

Annie: Well, it was her and he was crazy about her. What's this? This is from Seattle. Becky...

Becky: So I mailed your letter.

Annie: "Dear Annie, thanks for your letter. It was great. You sound neat. We're very excited about meeting you in New York on Valentine's Day and seeing if we are M-F-E-O. See you soon. Sleepless in Seattle.

Becky: M-F-E-O?

Annie: "Made for each other".

Becky: It's cute. It's like a little clue. So he can't write. Big deal.Verbal ability is a highly over-rated thing in a guyand our pathetic need for it is what gets us into so much trouble.

Annie: I am going to run back to Walter's arms, if he'll still have me.


1. That was nothing compared to...

“没有什么比……更……”,这可是个经典句型。“没什么比这更丢人的了!”就可以说成是That was nothing compared to this humiliation.

2. It's a sign.

有些人认为美国人是一个非常理智的民族,其实不管在哪个国度都有迷信的人。It's a sign. 这句话是老美经常说的。假设一个场景,你好端端的突然打了个喷嚏,有些人就会觉得不好的事情要发生了,就会说“这是个预兆!”老美就会说It's a sign.

3. Jerk

这个词的意思可不是很好。当别人表现得很笨、很蠢的时候,我们会说 You jerk! (你这傻蛋!)或者自己做了蠢事的时候说I'm such a jerk! (我怎么这么笨呢!)

4. Verbal ability is a highly over-rated thing in a guy

这句话的意思是:对于男人来讲表达自己的情感是一件很难的事情。这里的难点就在于 highly over-rated thing (高难度的事情)。举个例子给大家看看它的用法:

Learning English could be a highly over-rated thing.

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