Annie: Walter, there is something I have to tell you.
Walter: So he could be on top of the empire state building now.
Annie: No, I guess he could be. No. It's not him, Walter, it's me. I can't do this.
Walter: Look, Annie, I love you. But, let's leave that outta this. I don't wanna be someone that you'resettling for. I don't wanna be someone that anyone settles for. Marriage is hard enough without bringing such low expectations into it, isn't it?
Annie: Oh, Walter. I don't deserve you.
Walter: No, I wouldn'tput it that way. But, okay.
Annie: You okay?
Walter: Yeah.
Annie: Oh!
Walter: What?
Annie: Look! It's a sign
Walter: Who needed a sign?
Annie: Walter, I have to go.
Sam: Jonah, Jonah.
Jonah: Dad! Dad!
Sam: What if something had happened to you, what if I couldn'tget to you.
Jonah: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Sam: What have I done? You're my family. You're all I've got!
Jonah: I thought she'd be here. I thought she'd come.
Sam: We're doing ok, aren't we now? Are we ok? Are we all right? So far have I done something really stupid?
Jonah: No!
Sam: Have I screwed it up for both of us?
Jonah: No!
Annie: Observation deck!
Doorkeeper: Sorry, ma'am, but it's too late.
Annie: No, please, I really need to go up there.
Doorkeeper: We're closing up. No more runs tonight.
Annie: Listen, can I just take a look. There was someone I'm supposed to meet. He's probably not there. But if I don't at least look, I'll always wonder about it.
Doorkeeper:Cary Grant, right?
Annie: You know that movie?
Doorkeeper: One of my wife's favorites.
1. Settle for
这句话是指“接受”的意思。要把它和accept区分开来,因为所谓的 settle for sth 指的是“勉强的接受……”。在此部电影当中,Walter 的意思就是:他不想成为任何人用来将就的对象。
2. Put it that way
大家可以把这句话变成 express it that way来理解,这样看的话就容易多了。这里的put 和 express 是一个意思。只不过put更口语化一点。
3. Get to you
Get 这个词虽然看着简单,但是也是我们在学习英文的过程当中比较头疼的词了,因为get可以和很多其它的词组合起来变成另外的意思。比如:
A. Get to you
指的就是我找不着你怎么办。Reach you可以和他进行替换。
B. Get together
意思是meet。通常我们会听到老外讲:Maybe we can get together sometime.
C. Get going / get moving
很常用的句型结构,当我们要离开的时候或者要走的时候用得到。怎么表达呢?I think I have to get going. (我想我要走了。)
4. Cary Grant
Cary Grant 是在30,40年代美国比较有名的电影演员。曾演过《费城故事》、《抓贼》等一系列脍炙人口的影片。
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