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[ 2008-03-08 15:04 ]


影片对白 You've been putting it up your whole life. You just didn't know it.


3. If that's the way you wanna put it.


4. call it

猜硬币的游戏大家都玩过吧,抛出之后,用手盖住了,让别人猜,这时候就用到“call it”了。

5. I didn't put nothing up.

“我可以没提议任何事情”。这里是双重否定加强语气,put up是“提出,提起”的意思。

6. heads or tails

Head 当表示“硬币的正面(印有主要图案和日期的那一面)”时常作 heads,要与单数动词连用。Tail 当表示“硬币的反面(不带主图案和日期的那一面)”时常作 tails,也是要与单数动词连用。


Coin toss 猜硬币


 A denarius by Maximinus.

Coin flipping or coin tossing is the practice of throwing a coin in the air to resolve a dispute between two parties or otherwise choose between two alternatives.

Coin flipping is based on pure luck, under the assumption that there is no possibility for strategy, and any attempt to alter the odds (such as, most obviously, using a fake coin with both sides the same, and or touching the coin) is considered cheating. It is generally assumed that the outcome is unpredictable, with equal probabilities for the two outcomes.

The historical origin of coin flipping is the interpretation of a chance outcome as the expression of divine will. A well-known example of such divination (although not involving a coin) is the episode in which the prophet Jonah was chosen by lot to be cast out of the boat, only to be swallowed by a giant fish (Book of Jonah, Chapter 1).

Coin flipping as a game was known to the Romans as "navia aut caput" (ship or head), as some coins had a ship on one side and the head of the emperor on the other. In England, this game was referred to as cross and pile. (answers.com)


在电影中,这可能是第一段让人觉得莫名其妙、细想又让人觉得毛骨悚然的地方。因为加油站的老板多说了两句话,Chigurh 杀人的念头又被挑了起来。他掏出一枚硬币,让老板猜硬币决定自己要不要杀掉他。一头雾水的老板被Chigurh 弄得莫名其妙,也感觉到了危险的存在,想以关门将Chigurh打发走,但是没有成功,只能按照Chigurh的要求去猜硬币。而这一段对Chigurh的刻画让人感到心寒彻骨:这个人简直就是纯粹的恶,杀人不必寻找原因和理由,如果说有的话,那就是“每个人生来都会死的(You've been putting it up your whole life. You just didn't know it.)”,而他不过是决定了时间和死法而已。



1. I don't have some way to put it. That's the way it is.

2. You've been putting it up your whole life. You just didn't know it.

3. I need to know what I stand to win.


1. 约翰被任命为经理了?那不可能!

John has been appointed to be the manager? That'll be the day!

2. 这场喧闹还要持续多久?

How long will this noise keep up?


影片对白 You've been putting it up your whole life. You just didn't know it.




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