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[ 2008-05-05 15:31 ]


影片对白I just thought it would be nice for us to be together as a family on my birthday.



Awards and nominations for Sideways 《杯酒人生》所获奖项和提名

Sideways 这部电影横空出世,横扫各大电影节,获得了多个奖项,堪称奇迹。

Sideways won the following awards:

Academy Awards: 奥斯卡

Best Adapted Screenplay 最佳改编剧本 (Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor)

BAFTA Awards: 英国学院奖

Adapted Screenplay (Alexander Payne and Jim Taylor)

Golden Globe Awards: 金球奖

Best Motion Picture-Musical or Comedy 最佳音乐/喜剧片

Best Screenplay 最佳剧本

Nomination - Best Musical Score 最佳配乐

Gotham Awards: 高谭奖

Best Picture 最佳影片

National Board of Review of Motion Pictures:国家评论协会奖

Top Ten Film of 2004

Best Supporting Actor

Best Adapted Screenplay

IFP Independent Spirit Awards: 独立精神奖

Best Male Lead

Best Supporting Male

Best Supporting Female

Best Screenplay

Best Director

Best Feature 最佳剧情片 (won in all categories it was nominated for).

New York Film Critics Circle Awards:纽约影评人协会奖

Best Film

Screen Actors Guild Award: 演员公会奖

Best Ensemble 最佳全体演员 (Paul Giamatti, Sandra Oh, Thomas Haden Church, and Virginia Madsen).

It was nominated for the following awards:

Best Performance by an Actor in a Musical or Comedy, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Original Score, and Best Director, Golden Globe Awards

Academy Awards for Best Picture, Church as Best Supporting Actor, Madsen as Best Supporting Actress


最好的朋友就要结婚了。在结婚之前,Miles 和 Jack 决定来一把最后的疯狂——驾车游览,品味红酒。在真正开始他们的旅程之前,Miles先带Jack回到母亲家里,嘴上说是要为母亲提前祝贺一下生日,实际却是来偷妈妈的钱。影片至此,一个中年失意、落魄男人的形象定格在我们的脑海中。承受着感情和事业上的失意和痛苦,Miles 将自己封闭起来,不愿向自己的好友和家人求助,也许是打不开心理障碍而不能求助。这,也许是很多失意中年男人的写照吧。对于一个已过不惑的人,生活的希望究竟在哪里呢?



1. 抱歉我得化个妆。

2. 杰瑞想要他最好的朋友做伴郎,可是我想让我的哥哥做伴郎。

Sideways《杯酒人生》精讲之一 考考你 参考答案

1. 南希得为这场音乐会准备一间大厅。

Nancy was supposed to line up a hall for the concert.

2. 黎明时分杰克上路了。

Jack hit the road at dawn.

3. 从雍和宫到王府井一路拥挤不堪。

It was bumper-to-bumper from Yonghegong lama temple to Wangfujing.

4. ---你要给我们来场表演吗?


--- So you're going to give us a show!

--- Don't get your hopes up.


影片对白I just thought it would be nice for us to be together as a family on my birthday.



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