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[ 2008-05-11 11:10 ]


影片对白The chick digs you, man! She lit up like a pinball machine when she found out your novel was getting published.


3. dig

这里表示“to like, enjoy, or appreciate”,比如:They really dig our music and, Daddy, I dig swinging for them. 他们真的喜欢我们的音乐,而且,爸爸,我喜欢为他们表演。

4. light up

这个片语的意思是“to become or cause to become animated or cheerful(使)变得容光焕发或振奋”,比如:Her laughter lit up the whole room. 她笑了,整个房间都亮了起来。

5. live down

这个片语的意思是“overcome or reduce the shame of a mistake, misdeed, or the like 改正错误,洗心革面,使不光彩的事情被原谅/忘记”,比如:

I'm afraid I'll never live down that tactless remark I made. 恐怕我永远也没办法改正我那不谨慎的评价了。

She'll never live that crucial moment of failure down. 她永远也忘不了那导致失败决定性的一刻。

6. You were all over her.

All over someone 的意思就是“对某人着迷,被某人迷住了”,比如:Janet is all over Jack. She can’t take her eyes off him. 珍妮特被杰克迷住了,她根本没法把视线从他身上移开。

7. Rock

在俚语中,rock 可以用来指大宝石,尤其是钻石。


Pinball machine 弹珠机


Pinball is a type of coin-operated arcade game where a player attempts to score points by manipulating one or more metal balls on a playfield inside a glass covered case called a pinball machine. The primary objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. Secondary objectives are to maximize the time spent playing (by earning extra balls and keeping balls in play as long as possible) and to earn free games (known as replays).

The origins of pinball are intertwined with the history of many other games. Games played outdoors by rolling balls or stones on a grass course, such as Bocce or Bowls, eventually evolved into games played by hitting the balls with sticks and propelling them at targets. Croquet and Shuffleboard are examples of these games.

These games led to indoor versions that could be played on a table, such as Billiards or Carrom, or on the floor of a pub like Bowling. The tabletop versions of these games became the ancestor of the modern pinball machine.



1. 这个耻辱忘掉是难以做到的。

2. 他一看到她就变得神采奕奕。

Sideways《杯酒人生》精讲之三 考考你 参考答案

1. 她教给我怎样在中国做生意。

She showed me the ropes about bargaining in china.

2. 我以为和简这辈子不会有什么麻烦,可最终我们还是分手了。

I thought Jane and I were set for life, but we finally broke up.


影片对白The chick digs you, man! She lit up like a pinball machine when she found out your novel was getting published.



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