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[ 2008-05-11 11:10 ]


文化面面观  Pinball machine 弹珠机

考考你 一展身手



Maya: So, what areyou guys up to tonight?

Miles: Oh, we're pretty wiped. You know I think we're just gonna go back to the motel and crash.

Maya: Yeah, I guess it's kind of a long drive up here.

Miles: Mmm.

Maya: Where are you staying?

Miles: Uh, the Windmill.

Jack: Windmill. The girl is looking to party and you tell her we're going back to the motel and crash? Jesus, Miles!

Miles: Well, I'm tired, Jack. Aren't you tired?

Jack: The chick digs you, man! She lit up like a pinball machine when she found out your novel was getting published.

Miles: Now I have another lie to live down. Thanks, Jack.

Jack: Just trying to get you a little action. I would appreciate a little bit of help.

Miles: Didn't seem to me like that's what was going on.You were all over her.

Jack: Well, somebody had to do the talking. And, by the way, I was right--she's not married.

Miles: How do you know?

Jack: No rock. When she came to the bar, she was sans rock.

Miles: Oh.


1. crash

这里是俚语,意思是“to go to sleep”,比如:I think I’m gonna to crash. I’m so tired. 我想我得去睡觉了,我太累了。

2. I guess it's kind of a long drive up here.

Drive 这里用作名词,表示“开车的旅程”,这里用了 up,很显然,Miles 他们是从南往北走的。Up 和 down 常用来表示“北上南下”,因为“上北下南”么。比如:

You’re going to ride from California up to Los Angles? 你要从加州骑车到洛杉矶?

My parents will drive down to Florida to spend the holiday. 我父母要开车到佛罗里达去度假。


文化面面观  Pinball machine 弹珠机


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